Friday, October 12, 2007

I had my hair cut. .

Yays! I had my hair cut, so how was it? hahaha, I cant wait already, I'm desperate to have it cut. *snipe*

Oh, not bad rite? ahahha, well, so you feel it's not nice? Well then, too bad, i had it cut already. lolx.

As I mentioned just now - TRY in everything. And I'm pretty glad my parents give me this trait, TRY, TRY, TRY! ha, ha,. ha!

Alrite, I got to return to do my Maths again. I am so grateful that I was not borned years ago, when the A maths paper was so tough, I've tried doing the 1997-1999 paper, and it left me really irritated, thanks lord I'm not taking the papers. Bravo to all who passed A maths years back, your junior here will never be on par with you. hahaha.

Life's pretty difficult for me- imagine a day with time-table:

-10am : A maths Paper 1 and 2
-4pm : E maths
- 8:00pm : Social Stuides
-11pm: Science
-Lunch : Spagetti

Haha, A maths need a lot of time, just one paper will need more than 2.5 hours. IMAGINE! And days of nothing but spagetti as lunch! Thanks god dinner is not spagetti.

Now, I'm worrying for my Chemistry, I cant memorize, cant cant cant!!

But what can I do? TRY TRY TRY, for my dreams that near IF I try harder.

Yays, MY DREAMS, awaiting me, now's the critical moment to decide whether I'm going to fly or fall.

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