Friday, August 01, 2008

WAHAHAHA! went back to FUHUA today for a MASS CO GATHERING- aka SEC 4 Farewell Party! WOOHOO! as yes! It's FUN! and and and the part which I laugh most is MR WATERMELON aka Watermelon MAN (because there's IRON MAN, superman, batman, so YES WATERMELON MAN)

Had class till 2pm and rushed all the way down to Fuhua with Peiyu and Yuling, who came to NP to find me! :D :D :D. and and and today's the last lesson of FAT tutorial! :( :( :(

(Sharon telling the juniors what to do)

SAW ZHITI! Whom I haven met for like 12784543765432 months!
Ellin, Bee Suan and Sharon! :D

Cello Brass alumni.

After the Secondary 4 Farwell Ceromony, we went to cateen for dinner! HAHAHA!
and I chanced upon a big big watermelon at the table!
Who is so retarded to buy that.
Like super funny!
(I should have brought a durian along if I knew there is a watermelon is going to be there)
Den all of us (Ellin, Zhiti, bee suan, sharon and me) were looking at the 2 cakes in the cateen (one was brought by Bee Suan)

This is the cake! Super delicious okay!

Bee Suan and me!

And Zhiti decided to come in. :D

Then we decided to steal the cake Bee Suan brought to B12 and enjoy. :D

So Aaron (aka Mr Watermelon man), Zhiti and me coup it and ran all the way to B12. BUT I wasnt as hertic as they are! I strolled all the way up. WOOHOO. and then when we reached B12 (which is at 4th storey) we realised we didnt have the key! LOL!

And then after for like hundred of minutes, Bee Suan, Ellin and Wei Shan came up and open the B12 door. WOOHOO! and then we realised we forget to take the cake knife! LOL! So Aaron and I decided to go down and take (and I went down to ensure he took the watermelon up) ROFL!

And he hugged the watermelon all the way to B12 and the peeps in B12 are like WTH! What for u brought the watermelon up for????? HAHAHAHA! And so i decided to name Aaron Mr Watermelon Man.

And then I keep teasing him about the watermelon because it's like damn damn super super funny.


Watermelon is pracitsing his cello (but he was susposed to be in Hu)
Bee: Aaron, how come u like so emo there alone?
Me: of course lah, he very troubled leh, he have to think how he is going to return the watermelon later on.

Preparing for the BBQ

Hahaha! E marshmellow is like super nice okay! :D

Bee Suan with me.

And then Zhiti with Ming Wei. WAHAHA! and obviously Mingwei isnt looking at my camera!

WOOHOO! the whole of cello!

LOL! I tink Gee Jing is running! That's why she is so blurrrr! :D:d:d

Getting ready for the CO photo, which almost took FOREVER! The first row are squatting like so super unglamour EH.

ERRR. This is the formal shot.. (which doesnt look like!)

Peiyu, saw the familiar Sassy girl Chung Hyang posture? I DID IT!!! :D

And a informal one! WATERMELON! why so emoooo? (woohoo! joker's style. WAHAHA) Even our dear Yang Laoshi also twists leh. WOOHOO! rare scene! HAHAHA

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