It's 4am right now and I just had this urge to start blogging, as a form of remembering what I've did this week.
In the very end, whatever that I prepared for the battle with TianJin (conference call) is not used at all on Monday.
And I spend my Tuesday and Wednesday calling to the IT Helpdesk asking for them to provide me with the token so that I can do conference meeting in home using the intranet.
My Thursday was spent mostly in the meeting room. Phew I managed to answer all the questions my supervisor asked me. heng ah! I'm so glad I didn't speak at the usual speed which I usually do. I'm now learning from my smart and nice colleague Sin Yao to speak slowly so that I have enough time to think through what I'm talking and also enough time for others to digest what I've said.
My Friday was the most relaxing day. Basically I just spent the whole day facebooking because my supervisor is not working. cool! And after work, as usual, I met up with my loved ones in Cafe Cartel at IMM and I was really really tired due to lack of sleep. So tired I didn't talk much. ):
Then on Saturday, I had to work, but I work under a stress- free mind so I managed to juggle my work well thought I made really a lot of careless mistakes like usual. But at least when people ask me questions, I can still think well. And I carry my conversations well, especially in persuading customers to take up the coupon systems :D other than that, I've decided already, my plan is to continue study. So now, all I have to think is SIM or overseas university. My video centre boss (Who is a mom btw) told me I should try overseas university and I can actually apply for a loan from the bank but.. I don't like the idea of studying using loaned money. But it's a good experience isn't it?
It's Sunday tomorrow. sigh, once tomorrow is over, I have to face a whole new week again omg argh.