Saturday, January 15, 2011

It's a garden affair

So, I met up with Tessa in Botanic Garden, initially wanting to go into Orchid Garden but decided not to, because Botanic Garden is very nice already. :D so we met, and took some shots, and then it started to pour when the sun is still shining. (the afternoon was so sunny, who would expect a heavy downpour seriously!)

the first photo of the day, the ground is a tad wet but still solid. :D
so i get her to lie down ^^


Advanced deeper into the garden, and the sun was shining so brightly both of us sweat profusely!! never did we expect a downpour so heavy an hour later.
well, this is different from what I initially wanted, but then, it turns out pretty good! :D

so we continued walking for another 30 minutes and then great, it rained, the sun rain. so it wasn't that bad. :D come fast end fast! ^^

taken after the sun-rain, the branches wasn't really wet, and suddenly Tessa had this idea of climbing the tree, so yeap, she climbed and I took photo!

 shortly after this photo was taken, it start raining cats and dogs already! and my sandals (which i brought in Perth) break while I was running for shelter with my camera and lens in my hand.

Thinking there wouldn't be another heavy downpour after the rain subside a little, we further advance into the garden, and we were both wrong, the sky took a dramatic change and then, we were struck in this top up card shelter for 1 hour, tried to call a cab but we didn't even know which part of botanic garden we were in!
Out of desperate, I decided to run to the nearby house (which looks really eerie fyi) and grab one of the black plastic bag (the closest I can find that works like an umbrella)

then, we walked all the way to one of its entrance like we were in some sort of lion dance and wanted to call a cab actually. BUT, phew, a SIA hop on bus came and without thinking much, we just hop on and omg, the bus was so comfortable. we felt like we were both stranded in some overseas countries like two stranded tourists!


MyFickleFash said...

Wah u doing photography ah? got model leh! what u doing recently i want to know! Btw the rest of our pictures no upload? :(

Anonymous said...

Thank you for giving out these types of extremely helpful information. Good job upon becoming an outstanding blogger.

Singyi said...

Ha ha ha, yes, decided to use my time to pursue something I like. :) I'm not doing much recently, just working and photoshoots only.. :)

oh! I will upload once I finished processing it, don't have much time left to process the photos recently.. ): ): but I hope i can upload before Chinese New Year comes!

Singyi said...

Anonymous, hi, thanks! But what useful information did I give? and.. I'm not at all an outstanding blogger..

Anonymous said...

Great write-up! It's good for the brand-new blogger like myself.

YuLing said...

Great job! And you really don't online in msn already arh? I got so many things to ask and talk to you regarding your shoots! haha!

Singyi said...

Yuling, ha ha, thanks! :) oh, I delete everyone from my MSN accidentally already. ); so I won't be appearing online even though I'm online. :/ not sure why though.

but anyway, there's still facebook! ^^