Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Ever experience the feeling that one moment you are soaring high up in the skies of sky, the another moment you feel like you are at the bottom at the mountain? I have, at least for today. And it bothers me quite a lot once I think of it. The feeling came for quite a few times today.

I was fret off today during assembably when Miss Hoe came to ask me to go to the front. I was like " OMG, what have I done..!?", haha.

In the end, I'm just asked for an conversation with her in front of the whole school, but I'm not the only ones

This section is for the teachers to know more about us. And I dun understand, I almost break down when I talk about my parents. Lol. Tat's my dead point.

Well, Miss Hoe asked if I 'v'e got any finicainal problems and I just went on raging about the problems then suddenly I almost break down because I keep on wasting money like no body business after working in Zara.

Next she asked sensitive questions like
"Who do you confide in"..
my answer was lame to the core.. lol..
I sae "pillow..!" My lord, what stupid answer is that. But I did that oftenly! They sae it's funny but I sae it's working! Everything seems so simple after I sae all I wanted to my dear pillow!

"Den which teacher do you find when you've got prob.?"
"... ... I will ask my friends who can help me on the prob then I look for that teacher straight away", I tok that's a nice answer, but guess it wasnt..

"Do you have problems with ya friends?"
"... ... No.. yes.. not realli la.. a little bit, like they tok about pops but I dunch. Other than tat, it's quite okie..!"

"how do you desribe yourself?"
"I mean how you think of yourself, like if there's any prob between you and your friends, what will you do?"
"Orhx. I'll auto tell myself everything is gonna be better tomorrow"
"So you mean you are an lucky-go-person?"
"..I guess so.."
(that's quite true. I often say that to myself, and it cheers me up alot)

"You know, when I'm not around in this schoold already, you still can email me?"
"... (I was thinking of Mrs Oo when she sae that)... ya.. I noe."

Okies! Bell ring at that time. I was kinda surpirsed that I tok for 30 mins with Miss Hoe. Anyway, after talking to her, I suddenly realised that how far I'm from being in the depression state. Yeass! But oso, how I miss Mrs Oo. She's my form teacher in Primary 6. Everything was like so magical..

I remember the first moment I saw Mrs Oo, it's like we are very losed. Realli! Like we known each others for years. The feeling is veri magical. I remember she would comment on the many pages I had written for journey, each entry at least 7 pages. The record I broken is 13 pages per entry. And I still kept it in my house. I will be very emotional when I take out the journals to read when I'm bored.

It's paritcularly fun that year with my "Autumn" group! Just simply luv that group. 5 years gone but I remember quite a lot of sences sitting in that table of mine. How fun. And my friends, Lee Woon and Shi Yun. They simply rox my life that year! Torlerate me and play with me, espeically Lee Woon! She's so on! Remember playing badminton with her till 2pm or so in the afternoon in the con-course, cracking jokes and even make her cy. She priased me on that, okie?!

" Neo Singyi. I thought I will never cry in my 6 years but thanks to you. I cried!"
".. hehe.. WELCOME! Wanna cry more?..hehe!"

Lol. tat's so stupid. But I simply love stupid moments.

Yet it's a pity that she didnt work hard last year for her Os. I believe she can do it. But she didnt. hais. pity!

Alrite. Today.. let's see ya? Okie, lessons goes on as usual, enjoy conversation with Jia Wei. As mention, life will be better! Keep to my belief and I suceeded after 4 months of hard work. Finally paid off. Chinese came and I keep on doing corrections like bloddy hell. No energy after recess for no reason.. how emotional.

SS was fun, keep on racking with my talks with pei Yu, A maths was quite dull, no energy liao! DNT.. causaul talk with Euncie for about 1 hour or more kept me going. And that reminds me! WHY is NIGHTMARE DETECTIVE M18? Auctally, i dun care much about that show, but I just wanna watch movies nowadays.

Looking forward to Pirates 3! SP3! Shrek 3! any aw..so much more!

played bluetooth games with Jermin during DNT too. Fun! And I losed. haha.

I wwanted to eat KFC but I got something on so I cant. Sigh. And got to do it tomorrow again! So cant eat tomorrow too, can I sae who I'm eating with...? aha.

Home's cosy for me! Just luv it. CHew on History and give up haf-way for ice-creamies. Yummy! Chewy. haha!

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