Friday, February 09, 2007

Alrite. All I can sae is that I got no time to blog le. haha.

Mondae- Went to Causeway Point with Ellin and Jermain to buy their new year clothes. haha. Zhiti joined in later. Oh bother. I'm so ashamed to be with Zhiti, especially at Mini tools. But nah, it's not the first time I'm ashamed. haha, in fact, I enjoy man! Oh we dine at the resturant. OMG! I had nothing but chickens chickens and chickens. So full man! I went home first because I wanna dined with my parents while they went to Sebawang. OMG! They didnt buy anything there too except for Ellin, she brought a skirt dere. haha.

Tuesdae- I didnt go CO. I'm so innocent, alrite? I waited for em until 3:10 before I go home. Alrite, all I can sae is the fault of hps. I sms em and no one reply because one didnt bring hp unexpectedly and the another has never bring his hp to school de, but I forget. So who's fault? Handphone fault.

Wednesdae- Went to Far East with Zhi Ti and Jermain because they wanna get their new-year clothes. haha. We brought a lot at Newbie and Pure Milk again! OMG.. I spend a lot too. oh bother. tat's pity bad. I spend let's see 15.90 + 26 = SGD amount I spend. It's tiring. I reach home at around 9.

Important news!

Thursdae- My handphone is pronounced dead at 08.02.2007, 4pm or so at Bus 99. It's so stupiid. I've juz send msg to Audrey and boom, it went blank. Great! I didnt hab time to reply to Si Jia and oso I hab 2 unclaimed msg which was send to mi when my handphone went blank. Halo. I got important matters to ask Si Jia but sad I didnt in the end. Oh I'm gonna regret it. Or will the unexpected happen?

Well, my MP3 also failed me alreadi.

When a hp and MP3 spolit together, it means I gota change a new phone with great MP3 functions and camera too! I've decided- Nokia! Sony K800i is not bad but the sound functions are not good while the walkman series dun hab a powerful camera functions. Is 3 megapixel with MP3 functions and 21MB internal slot together with mircocard good? Dun sae no, I hate "No"!

Fridae- I gota my O results too le! haha. Wad a big leap! I gota a B3. Oh. I dun plan to retake de but when I see the results of my seniors, I suddenly wake up! I should retake! Alrite. Our Chinese flunked quite badly. most gota B3 or should I sae all expect another 1 or 2 As?

Anyway, I'm neutral to results I saw. But kinda regret I'm repeating.
School everydae.
Stardand time,
stardand time-table,
long listening hours.
Halo~ I hate it when I sit in the classroom zuobo.
Y do recess seems so short and lessons so long.
But I luv Physics. Arhaha! Never enjoy such a lesson before in my school life- except for DNT. Oh bother. I luv tat too, althought it's stress!

Went to IMM with PeiYu after tat too because I gota take my hp to the repairment centre. haha. Brought MARSH MELLOWs again! hoho.

Alrite. dun guess anything happen.

Oh ya! I'm opening another spree again but it's on make-up, so basically, I'm not buying from it. I'm doing at the request of my friends. They do sound despo for it. I'll be doing another asseseriores spree after the Ocean spree is complete. Or anyone.. any idea? haha.

Alrite. tat's all school about. and all tat this week is all about.

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