Sunday, February 04, 2007

hoho. Long time since I blog. Wad an long week it is tis week. 2 MIA Daes, 2 latecoming daes. Onli mondae is normal.. lol!

School realli isn't suitablef or me. Should hab work harder in the past so tat I do not nid to attend school faithfully for 5 years! Aiya.

Been busy organsing Ocean Box spree. But I settled everything alreadi. Now organising Kana Spree. Kinda regret. lol. The skirts are nice but short. aiya. So I dun tink I'll be buying again. haha.

Ytd was a fun dae. Wel, Iwas late again. I went to eat with Tiff, Eunice and Pui Ying at Blk 501- KFC. Den when we part and I was going home, I realised my ezlink card was with Mr Goh (cuz I was late) and no choice I walked bak to school and was accompany by Pei Yu. We mit at the canteen and she pei mi to go look for Mr Goh.

Den tat MRs toh ask us to move the plant.. halo.. y us? We moved one time and was alreadi beri sianz. den still ask us to move another 1. Okie.. I moved and immediately run away!

Den I went to do DNT.. haha. I dun wan de.. but still do lo. Well, it's still beri fun. haha. nv regret staying bak for it. Den at around 6 I accompany See Theng to Blk 501 to buy magazines. She brought her PLAY magazine and I brought Hero's magazines! Yesh.

Alrite. Den we went home. Play PC.

On Sat, I wake up so early for CO. haiz. So sianz. We had a concert todae. blah blah blah. ltr come home den blog. =)

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