Sunday, February 11, 2007

Such an boring two days. Co on Sat. So boring lei. But I got "tuition" with Zhiti, Ellin n Jermain at 2pm.. hehe.. so we left at 12pm. CO was supposed to end at 3pm. So we save ourselves 3 hours from CO. Went to Westmall at night with my families to get my mobile tingy readi. haha. I know which phone I will be going for le. haha. I never expected myself to be eyeing an Nokia phone cuz I hab alreadi like Song E. phones. But well, it's alrite. Too mani ppl are using S.E phones. I dun wan to be among the many of them.

Sundae is the most boring dae I ever had. I had to go bak to my aunt's house. So boring. Nothing to do there. Anyway, i went to jp with my mum and my sis because we got to exchange money since we are going overseas during CNY. I had ice-cream but I brought nothing. However, I still enjoy window shopping. Three-cheers.

School is startig tmr. Argh~ it's so boring, okie? I cant take it. It's realli boring and my maths will flunk because I dun understand transformation. Dun tell me it's easy. I dun understanD and it means diffcult for me. Tell me it's easy when I understand, okie?

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