Saturday, February 17, 2007

Arhaha. I'm now at Airport le. Beside me is the mirror which shows me the various aeroplane now. Argh.. the plane I'm on is so0o small compare to S'pore Airline. omg. There's butterflies in my stomach now. oh.. so dizzy. Wad I'm afraid now is that I might be feeling sick again later in the plane.

It must be the work of the chocolat cake. aha. i brought it at Breadtalk with Yuling on Fridae, it was meant to be a gift to my father. He was quite moved because as according to my mum, my dad has never received a birthdae cake before. But we didnt sing birthdae song for him, cuz I'm quite paiseh. Sorry dad! But we didnt managed to finish the cake altohugh it's quite tasty. Yummy! The coco is beri delicious.

Anyway, haha. I'm bringing marshmellow up into the air and to China. I'm planning to open it in the plane. haha.

Oh.. paiseh.,. i didnt update my blog for this wole week. Anyway, I'm happi on Fri.. SERI was sacked! Yesh! She deserved it! But sadly, my friends is quitting also. Argh.

Alrite. tat's all. I tink I gtg to find out on other tings liao.. while internet session lasts. =) Cya all!

Happie Chinese New Year too.

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