Wednesday, February 21, 2007

I'm returning to Singapore tomorrow. Haha. It's sad for me to return to Singapore but com'on, I miss my friends.

I had a bloddy meals for 2 days.. it's the first time I had bad appetite lo. I had been having a bad nightmare from the resturant i gone. It's damn disguesting. They served every type of food in Guangdong de. OMG! I've seen snail, crocodile, cat, peacock. Aiya, as the tour guide sae, Guang dong eats everything except aeroplane in the air, except metal in the ground. Anyway, this is the first time I had my meal eaten so fightening. I dunno if the next dish that come up is what meat. Even when they tell me is chicken or pork, I oso a lita bit scare.. tat's end up with me dizzy in the bus. I seen one sight where a dead crocodile without it's head and his boby sliced into half juz opposite a roti prata

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