Friday, August 24, 2007

17.08.2007 - See Theng's birthday party.

I've been pretty high today, well, I guess the others are too. Afterall, it's been way LONG since we have an party already.

Okie, I shall skipped the morning part, it's all about school only, anyway.

The afternoon's is the interesting part. I went to IMM with Pei Yu first because I wanted to wear my halet top but i have no tees to go with, and thanks lord Pei Yu is willing to accompany me.

So we went to IMM lar, on the bus, I met Ellin. What an concidence. She was going to Pei Ying's house to prepare for the food for the games.

At IMM, peiyu promised me "2 hours is more than enough to shop". That's bullshit, okie? It's not enough! I bet I can shop an 3 hour there man.

Anyway, we start the party at 7-

7pm, [warm up]
Had curry chicken, seaweed chicken, fried boneless chicken, Mee Hoon, sotong balls. Yummy.

8pm [The real exercise starts] -We played so wild, okie?

1st game: Heart attack.

So calm, arent we? As the game goes on, we get wilder. Jermain loses the game, anyway.

2nd game [Guessing]- guess whose faking.

Look, we are getting ourself serious up.

We can make it!

Well, in one round, we lose, so here's the punishment, birthday girl gets to guess who's she touching. This round, my watch betrays me.

And also, we get to eat Wasabe, which makes me drops tears. It's really disguesting. Oh man.
Okie, then it's our turn to play the fake-r and they, the guesser.
I acted so well, so all of them fall for it. And they got the punishment, but that's old idea. Hm, will upload the video once I got it from Pei Yu. hahaha.
See, they are teaching how to spell S'pore with their butt.

Anyway, the whole party ends at 11++, it's wooshy late.

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