Monday, August 27, 2007

Okay, here's my artefact. I think it's lovely. I adore it a lot. And it can work, YAY! Later den I blog about my feelings about DNT. Now, I got compeltely no mood to do so. I'm panicing and rushing over Ghost Whisperer.

Haha, my DNT's completed, after stressing for this few days. It's like that. I'm always stress when I'm about to complete my artefact, because I fear that something wrong might happen at last minute, so it gets me tense up and I dun speak.

When I finished my artefact, I was so overjoyed. I'm so proud of the artefact. I cant believe it. I love the 2 artefact, last years' and this year one's. But last year's one cant work, this year, it can, and I was pretty worry it cant.

But I was a bit sadden by the fact that the leds' are remove. I have intend to put LEDs but I did not in the end because my soldering was not good and it burns lotsa LEDs already, so I decide to give up that though. SIgh.

2 weeks of LEDs and it failed. I think I probably spend about $10 just on the circuits itself. Not to mention the motor, it's $19 each and one was stolen, which means I got to buy another, so it cost pretty much.

Here's my artefact:

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