Monday, May 24, 2010

It's Project Day again!

hi, it's project day today!

i love almost all the project days because it means freedom too. I will be in class the whole day from 9-10am (even though school starts at 8) all the way to 5pm, with about 1 hour break in between, but most of the time I will declare some more free time for myself to go to the library and borrow a movie each time to watch. :D

Today, I spend most of the time etching my circuit board, soldering the right things on the wrong circuit board when my classmate saw and realized mine is wrong. grrrr.

imagine i realized that only at 4pm or so. damn, i hate that feeling. i was almost done with all the soldering already at that moment. But thankfully, I didn't solder the expensive one because the teacher doesn't have spare.

other than that, I used drilling machine again today! :D
it's the small drilling machine,but it doesn't matter because I miss drilling machines!
okay, i admit, I miss anything which is related to DNT.
Imagine what a happy girl I'm today hee hee. (which last probably till 4pm)

And I felt like I'm in Sec 4 today.
When there's any problem I will just ask the teacher without even trying to think of a solution myself.

Lastly, I'm really determined to get everything soldered on my board tomorrow! serious!!
love it when lessons end at 12pm on Tuesdays & Fridays.


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