Monday, January 01, 2007

27 Dec 2006 - 1 Jan 2007

!! 1 JAN 2007 !!

Colourful new year!

Going out ltr to buy school shoes le. Woohoo. Realli sick. Gobbles 3 big glass of water for 3 hours. *Ah-choo*
Went to Junction 8 with my family and I was kinda angry with my mother for chiding my father repeatingly. Kinda remind mi of tat stupid fellow. My dad went the wrong way todae and my mum was lye keeps on saying my dad "you shouldn't do tis shouldn't tat". It's lye e stupid felo lor. Burning at the though of it. My dad oso dun wan de ma. Y should u reprimand him repeatingly, as if you noe wad he's tinking? Taking the longer route doesn't mean tat sumting mean'll happen. Sorrie. I'm refering to tat stupid fellow currently.
I didnt buy aniting at Junction 8- main reason, my parents were dere. If I'm dere with my sista, I guess 50 dollars won't bi enough fer mi. hahas. But well, how can a sick people spend lots? Lols
Hm. I luv the 3rd storey at Junction 8 cuz it's filled with comics, handphone tingy, keychain and neoprint shop. hAas.
After tat we went to Ang Mo Kio. Dun ask mi y we planned to go dere. Com'on, I didn't plot the journey todae. If I've got a choice, I would rather stay at home and rest. I've been out for tis 2 months without a dae of rest, okie? We ate at Ang Mo Kio n shop dere. It's kinda cheapo over dere and I brought my school shoes anD a Kappo Bag dere. I've brought the most todae. Wooh0o.
When nite came, I realised y my parents came over to Ang Mo kIo. It's b'cuz of the Fairprice X'tra which juz commerences. It's lye Giant and Carrefour, where they sell from foods to clothes to electronics. I read Toda Weekend recently and knows tat Fairprice is entering the sotre war with Giant and Carrefour. The article is kinda interesting but I probable forget most of the content le.
But I had a diffcult time dere because the temerature there is really chilly and aggravate my cold. Gosh. Brough sushi and drink. Yummi. But I prefer Giant. The salmon is beta (according to my sis who eat it) and there's much more magazines to browse though at Giant. hahaha
After tat we went home and I try on my school uniform again. It's crazy be'cuz I tried the clothes at 1 in the morn. I still dislike my uniform because it makes mi look so plump. I'm not so plump okie? But at least my outfit is not lye in e past- with the specs.. omg. hahas.
Den I dozed off, retreating to bed with tissue box.


Last dae at work. Sick. SianZ. I guess I shouldnt do the morning shift because I realised I dun lye to tok in the morning. Beri high in the nites` I was laughing until i was about to cry when I saw Sharrifiah with the antena popping out of her head. lols. tat's funni. hahas. My last minute at Zara struck at 7.30 but I stay in the fitting room until 8 before I go off. Oh Sharrifiah is realli so funni todae trying e gold glitters clothes. hahas. I remember 2 months ago when we brought Tiffi, Eunice and Peiyu to Zara, we cor Sharrifiah exploded hair. 2 months later, we are so close to her. lols. time flies. I'm returning to school again. No boots daes.

After tat I take MRT to city hall and den to Esplanade to count- down with my family. I'm kinda angry bi'cuz of the crowds. I managed to find my parents aniway. It's easy finding them. I tried means and ways to sleep but was never fulfil because while sitting haf-way, it was drizzling. Wad e. Den everyone stands up to see the fireworks and keeps on squeezing in. in the end I had to stand until I realli cannot take it, i sleep in the midst of the legs surrounding mi. tat's so exgattering, but it's true. When one is tired, sleep can occur everywhere.

(waiting fer the 3rd round of firworks)

Anyway, the fireworks were realli nice, compared to the previous years. I never expect to see such wonderful fireworks again since the standard of the firewords has been dropping since tis last few year. It last 8 minutes juz nice according to my sista. Oh, she had it video down but the image wasn't tat good. And I'm lazy to upload aniway.
The going home journey was easier. Perhaps because I'm much more energtic after a short 20 mins of sleep. hEhes.
After tat my dad drive ud to Boon Lay and OMG! I saw my class mates and school mates.. lols.. with mi in tis outfit.


3rd dae of sales. Sales has been desending. Fitting room is veri relaxing, can tok,but i'm sick, I cant bother to tok, escpeicalli in the morn. it's boring. Been in sensitive mood until 7pm lye tat and I was lye high again. HahAs. Went to eat with Audrey and I saw Mr Lim dere. OMG! I had such a shock. Sianz. Ltr watch Death note with Mable and Audrey at 10.10pm until nearly 1pm. No opinion. I guess I'm too tired, tats y. After at, we went home via cab.

Total expense: 19.35 + 9.50=28.85/-


2nd dae of sales. A lita bit sicK. Guess I didn't drink wata, tat's y. I'm tired, since I didn't hab much sleep last nite. todae is the last dae for the 2 HR to do the fitting room. They reserved the clothes and guess wad- they told us tat the staff over at Liat Towers doesnt reserved Zara items unlye Vivocity, where every staff reserved at least one. kekeS. Hais.. they are so fun to bi with. I can get high when I'm with em easily, but they are going off so0n. Tiff and Euncie came to visit mi during the peak hours, wasn't able to tok with em. Busying hanging clothes. Went to develop the pics with Shu Wen before going home. hAhas.


Todae is the starting of the saleS periOd lE. w00ho0. I was late without knowing it. I tok I should punch in at 9.30 but auct we are suspposed to punch in at 9pm. Gosh. bye $150. Haf of the commission gone. I'm doing the fitting room with the two HR- oops, dun realli rmb their names cuz I've got an bad memori fer names. HeheS. They are so interesting to tok with. I'm glad to bi struck in the fitting room for 4 daes till my last dae. It's realli an busy dae cuz there are so mani ppl. Todae wasn't an realli happi dae though. Hais.. especialli in the nites. Aiya.


Todae's is my off-dae. So I went out with my sista again to Far East tis time round to shop for skooL's opening. HahaS. Of course~ how could I bi buying tings related to skool onli? hahaS. We went ouT at 2 sumting n reach Jurong Point to hab our meal first. At dere, I paid the phones bill and brough an ice-lemon tea shorts which is going realli cheap at tat time- 10.95 and a hair band which costs 4.95/-. It's kinda exp but nah.. nevermind la.

After tat, we went to Far East to walk walk and I brought onli the belt and Newbie clothes- which is going off cheaply. Oh, den we went off to take neoprints, after which we continue to shop again. Shortly after tat, we went bak to Jurong Point to buy tingy for school- pencil box and wallet. I cant imagine tat JuronG point doesnt sell shoes for school. Oh bloodi hell.

Total expenses: $77.80: --Lai Lai wanton mee $3, Hair brand $4.95, Shorts $10.95, belt $5, 2 Newbie clothes $20, neoprint $5, Wallet $19, Pencil Box $9.90--

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