Monday, January 08, 2007

Another brand new week. umpS. I'm almost late for school todae. Thanks a lot to the traffic jam, which has never been tis worse before. haha. Well. It got so worse that getting from one stop to another tooks appro. 7 mins. Ahem. I went to school with Venice and we agree tat tis is e worst traffic jam we ever had. haha. Anyway, luckily we make it to school. Lol. But I dun hab the time to make it to the classroom. Nvm. Den I tok wit Yuling, who went to school with her best friend. (erms. Zara-er should noe her best friend too. ) haha. A great morn.

Erms. den PE. OMG. It's horrible. Yuling almost vommit while running. Erm, mi too. And tis is the first time since I run till my stomachs hurts. The pain could kill. I guess running at Ourtam Park isn't helping us buliding up our stamina. lol. Yuling! Get stronger. Lol.

After PE we went for our English lesson. Oh dear. The tok of mi makes mi wanna sleep. It's realli boring but I luv Miss Wong, okie? in the way that her actions and words are funni. LOL.

I slept during recess. So tired lei. haha. Good sleep man. Oh Eunice brought a new uniform le lor. But I tink it's a bit too late. Isnt it? hoho.

Phyics is what I enjoy most. Mr Lee is so interesting. Lol. I realised tat my hearing frequency is 18k hertz. Well, most of our classmates fall dere too. Aniway, my ears are a lita bit block because I'm sick, so I guess my hearing might be beta de. aniway. 18k hertz is quite good alreadi. I learn realli lots of fact in Phyics lesson. Mr Lee's way of teaching realli helps a lot. I've learn tat:-

(1) Bats will fly pass u but will not touch u if u stand straight and dun move. ( Becuase of the frequency tat they gif off and takes in)

(2) Sounds do not travel in vacuum. (the experiment makes it even easier for mi to rmb it for life)

(3) Gals hab higher pitch den guys. lol. Even Mr Lee when making a realli high pitch voice (14k hertz) cannot win Emily's natural way of saying hi (15 hertz)

(4) The world's cleverest person currently is acknowledge because he found out about the BLACK HOLE. Well, I forgetten wad's black hole all about.

(5) E=MC^2 ( Einston = mong chacha) haha. Tat's realli a funni one. Is it mc or mv ar? Die. I onli rmb mong chacha. haha

Aniway. Science lesson are over and it's A maths. Oh sianz. Mrs Yip taught sumting new again- Bio Expansion. Oh bother. So again, I wanted to sleep. It's realli super boring since I dunno wad to do. So I keep on doing folding (clothes) for See Theng and Catherine. Also a way to horne my folding skill. Hais. Miss Zara so much. LOL.

After school. I went home. Played PC. anyway. I guess I'll be trimming my hair tmr bah, or other daes lor. haha.

Oh. happi birthdae Sing Hui. lol. Her's birthdae is todae. Woho. No present. Too bad. LOL. I'm so mean.

Hahas. W went to Mc to celebrate her 15th birthdae but she realli nasty lor. bloodi hell. Anyway, I gota my hair cut beri short. veri straight cut, lols, with 2 ponytail at the back of my hair. haha. so unique. lol. My hairstyle.

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