Saturday, January 13, 2007

TIrish SaturdAe.

Todae's an tiriSh SaturdaE. I'm in such an sleepy mode tat I fall asleep in the bus. I had an full 9 hours of sleep yesterdae but I'm still feeling tirish when I wake up. And I got to chiong for my CCA which commerences at 11am. I'm damny tired tat I dun feel lye answering my junior at CO.. sorrie leis. hais.

Anyway. CO ended at 12 instead of 1 and I was cursing and swearing cuz my tution starts at 2pm.. which means I will be going home first and den to tution again. Argh! It's so bothersome doing all tis travelling.

Alrite, tution is lye hell to mi since I'm realli sleepy and realli cant concentrate. Oh dear.. I guess my tution teacher muz hab figured it out tat I'm not listening to him. o0o.. sianz. Juz so0x tirex. arghx. I hate myself for tis tirish state but yet canT figurE y am I sox tirex todae. *frustated*

Okie. I got home and play PC immediately. I feel lye sleeping alreadi.. I guess tis is e first time in 2007 when I can get tired even when playing PC.. do hope tis is the last time too. haha.

Looking forward to schooling on mOns. yyesH.. mother luck is by my sidE currenTly.. haha.

Oh, anyway. My earringS and the key chains has arrived. Stay tuneD fer the picsX!. =) Aihaha.. Getting kinda exciting at the though of getting the earrings at the POST office.

(tis pig will make sound and flashes too. so special.. but not veri cute. LOL)

(this is cute and can onli turn the head.. tat's all)

(oh. I luv tis.. earpick cum keychain. haha. cute!)

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