Thursday, January 04, 2007

Okie. I realised sumting. I'm an night cat. Lol. From my daes of observation- I realised tat I realli dun wish to tok in the morn, but walao. I find myself muttering to myself in the night lor. Sianz. Is der eani cure? Dun tell mi to sleep earli. Tat's bullshit to mi. Lol. Impossible mission, okie? haha.

Aniway. Todae is a hm. neutral dae. lol. Com'on. School- wad e hell! I hated it man. Sad lor. Oh. I realised I realli do miss Zara a lot at school. OMG! Especially in classroom. I cannot stand e teacher's lesson. Sigh. Anyway, I was glad tat I was punish for not bringing my English file. The teacher forced us to stand up and yesh! I had such a great time. At elast I became more alert but halo~! So paiseh. Aiyoyo. But the standing up reminds mi of the fitting room. It's kinda saD leis. Hais.

um. wad's next. Okie. The sitting arrangement. LOL. I wanted to laugh out when I saw it.. um.. about my friend de.. but it's beta not to let it out here. Kinda dangerous. hehes.

Anyway. Wad can happen in school huh? lol.

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