Thursday, January 11, 2007

oh well. Todae is such an boring dae. I was ASKED (haha. instead of arrange. thx to Miss Wong. lol) to be seat with Jia Wei. haha. I'm quite okie but halo. I wonda how long I haben sit with a guy alreadi. So I went quiet down le. aiyaya. Anyway. I'm dam tired todae. I feel lye i dragged myself to school. erms. tat's later part. haha

Anyway. I wake up at 6am. walao! so sianz lei. I realli feel lye I dun hab ani strength cuz I ate medicine yesterdae. hm. No wonda the doctor ask if I wanna take MC fer today yesterdae. argh..! How I regret for not taking it. The medicine is realli dam effective in making mi sleep. Summore I ate two type of medicine which causes drownness. alamek!

Anyway. i buy a pancake (I tink so) at school dere and walk to school. Gosh, and I tok I'll be latE. luckily ar. Okie. I reach school. Was about to dozed off again when Ellin came to find mi. OMG! I was sussposed to be tired but my mouth keeps on open shut open shut. haha. I doubt would anyone believed I was on medicine. Anyway. i got MC le. phew.

Okie. School started. Boring boring boring. Oh. We had an Marsh Mellow war. haha. den came recess. I ate with Catherine, Ellin, Jermain, Yuling and Zhiti. Erms. Tiff, Pui Ying and See Theng went to sit at the another table. I should hab joined em.. but well, after working, I am much more closer to Ellin they all le.

Okie, DNT came and go. Den.. aiya.. anyway. lessons are so bored to mi. they are worse off than the antibotics!

Anyway, I finally gota my PG Mall items le! Yesh. After 2 whole months of waiting. Finalli! The shorts onli go nice with tees.. but all my tees are too big le. lol. As for the belt, i guess I'll hab to do more research cuz I still dunno how to manage it. haha.

Oh well. tat's about it. I'm glad I found sum more songs which I realli luv after working at Zara. Yipee!

I going down to Zara again tmr. Hopefulli nothing go well at Yuling's side.. she's such a dangerous gal to go out with. lol. jking.

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