Wednesday, January 10, 2007

I didnt attend skool todae. I walk out of house at 6.40 lye tat and I miss the last bus. So I noe I will be late. I waited for the bus until 7am but there's stil nosigh of it, so I went hme. haha. Pop school again. hehe

Okie. So I stayed at home enjoying coughing. it's getting worse. My chest hurts everytime I cough. Oh gosh. And my mum cor mi up asking mi y I didnt atend school. Erm. I told a lie, of course. haha.
Den I off the PC for 1 hour while I visit the doctor. My mum told mi tat's there's a new polyclinic over at Jurong Point area. Okie. I arrived but it turns out to be a medical centre, and it charges extra 28-30 dollars. haha. The lady asks mi "So is it alrite?", I immediately reply "no, tat's not alrite" and laugh before walking off. So I went to shop at Jurong Point and brought Keroro tingy. haha. I used nets to pay $6/-. lol.
Den I went home and play PC fer a while before I go and hab a short nap. Den I wake up and chiong PC again. haha.

Alrite. I spend online again. aiyo. All spend are for my hair. haha.

Anyway, i upload my new hair-style. Hab a g0od laugh ba. =)

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