Monday, January 29, 2007

hohoho. It's beeN 3 daeS sinCe I lasT blog in lor. keke. Busy lei..

Alrite, Sat was an bloodi dae for mi. I was butter by the conductor lye hell be'cuz I dunno how to blow the score. and my junior was on MC. argh! It's driving mi crazy.

After CO, I went to tution.. It's realli tiring. SO I requested to change time for the next tution. When I reached home, my parents are painting the wall and I did help em a lita bit. Alrite. I went to IMM at around 11 plus and I had the first solid-ice-cream in my lifetime. Hehes. I lurve it so much.. so does my sista.

Anyway, i sleep at around 3.30 because I was doing DNT the whole time.. so stress.

I wake up at around 1pm the next dae and had to help with the paintings..and I go to my grandma hse to take the clothes fer my overseas trip. hehe. So I didnt join Tiff they all to IMM for the FLH tingy. haha.

Todae's an stupid dae dae. i wake up late again and was almost late for school- thx to tat wallet. I forget to bring my wallet out and walao.. I miss the bus juz because of tat.

School started and end. I stay bak with Pei Yu and Yuling and then we went to eat together at 41X with Joshua. Haha. We stayed for about 2-3 hours before going home. haha.

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