Friday, April 08, 2011

First try at different food photography skill!

Met up with Lee Woon & Shi Yun for dinner today, had Aijisen Ramen (heh, totally addicted to ramen still!) at $6.80 because they are having their X year anniversay

note: X is an numerical number.

after the dinner, we went off to walk around basement level before heading to JiDeChi for 绵绵冰!sigh

tell me why~~
you are so hard to forget~~
don't remind me~
i'm not over it~

can't forget ShihLin's 绵绵冰 at all.
though, i like the bubble pearl of JiDeChi, 一咬即破. XD
but but but it's not as soft as ShihLin's one... ):

anyway, this time round, we had mango and strawberry flavour. both is good! :D
and I tried applying PeiYu & Ah Net's photography skill but well... doesn't seems to work! not as good as Ah Net's photo leh, maybe it's the lens (since we are both using 450D).. he he. excuses excuses, but it might be a reason lor. :D



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after having our dessert (or desert?) LOL, we went over to Starbucks (like always) to calculate the $$ they owed me for the trip, awesome, just enough to return my parents who had to transfer the money to me because we had insufficient fund in Taiwan lol. and then we started to spam photos like always (okay, i keep spamming.. :D)

Photobucket   Photobucket

Photobucket Photobucket

home sweet home, hello Saturday, my precious weekend!

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