Tuesday, March 08, 2011

When I was young, I envy people with a lot of friends, and I will tell myself "I will be someone like that, no rush now".

When I get older, I came in contact with a lot of people, but I couldn't open myself to them, and I will tell myself "It's okay, I'm not on the same frequency with them, I will find a lot of others who will understand me and I will still have a lot of friends"

Then I got older than just older, I lost contact with people who I shouldn't be, and I can't be bothered to contact them, and now I'm left with few friends.

It's my fault for the disability to overlook faults in people. I should properly learn to be more understanding. 

This is funny, maybe it's the funeral, maybe it's because of the season, everything just doesn't feel right for the first time. 
I'm lost.


MyFickleFash said...

Sometimes i also feel like this. But in my situation i will suddenly dont talk to others & become silent. Others find me awkward somehow (which u saw me behaving weird in the Floral Expo) lol. idk why i just don't feel like talking & want to be alone for awhile. weird haha~

Singyi said...

:) ha ha, I think you act like this in NTU too!

Thinking if it's because of the environment. Cos both NTU & Floral Expo are more towards relaxing, like a good environment to do some self-reflection stuff hmmm. :p

MyFickleFash said...

haha yeah maybe. dono la LOL~ sometimes will like that de haha

Singyi said...

:D hehhhh, must be dayima then lolll