Tuesday, December 19, 2006


I got my results le! YESH! I dunno how i feel auctalli. Am i sad? A lita. Am I happi? A lita. So when they as mi, how do u feel about ur results, i will ans, " I dunno". HeheS.

I wake up and went to CO todae fer the first time after so mani months! It's exciting and I was glad to see my junior again!! He's so talkactive! And great! I luv talkactive people. But sad, we cannot tok too much because lao zhou 'll scold. Sad. My sheng got quite a lot of problem le. The pipe even came out! It's stupid, isn't it? Alamek! hahas.

After CO, I went to post office to mail out items and oso to reutrn to school once again to get back results! I tok it will bi fun meeting up all my friends, but nah, when i was bak at school and seeing em, I realised I prefer my working friends! I dunno y, but I do feel quite strange with em le. hais.. everything'll turn bak normal when school reopens!

I'm glad at my results when it came bak. I cant believe I gota a B4 fer my combined humanities! I passed!! Yesh!! It's a real miracle! woohoo!! but sad, I dun hab ani A1 fer my subjects, all is 2-4 marks one. hahas. I was realli joyful when I sae my results!!

Den after tat, I went to take bus to JE be'cuz I nid to pass sumting to my friend. I chase e bus le and I couldn't find my wallet when I was on it! Shit. No choice I got to go bak to school to find it. But guess wad it rain and I run in e rain! !@#$%^&*()_= after tat Yuling helped mi find and guess wad, it was in my bag. dam. lols. hahahas. Den we went to Jurong East together and pass e necklace to my friend before we went eating. Yes1 She sae she is changing specs but she will buy it another dae. hahas. lols. She sae she wanna buy the specs lye mi. LOLS. I'm so much confident with my taste after hearing tat. I oso luv tis spec beri much lor! Summore onli 50 dollars if I didn't rmb wrong.

Oh, dEn we went to mit Ellin at e MRT. Guess wad, we mit Audrey and Mable at the Outram Park intercharge and they didn't see us lor! LOLS! Yesh! I gt less den Mable but no0o! Audrey gt less den mi~ cant believe it! aiya.

After tat we went to work together and everyone was asking for our marks. LOLS. kinda excited too. heheS.

So we keep on working adn Mable keeps on toking to mi. Oh dear, Yen will be seeing us. it's scary at there lei. But I did hab a hard laugh while folding because Mable is realli good at cracking jokes and story telling. It's realli kinda funni but sad she dun tink she's funni. Lols!

After that we do stock taking. I do with Yen! OMG! I was so stress. LOLS. Its realli funni lor. Cuz when Sally read out my and Yen name, the senior luagh at Yen while juniors, make up of my friends, laugh at mi. Sad lor. But we do beri fast. lols! The stock taking is done beri fast. The seniors so kua zhang. They told us stock taking the earliest to finish is 12am, latest 2am. Where gt? 10 sumting we alreadi finish doing le lor!

After that we went to Newton Circus to eat.. hahas. And its realli fun to eat there!! I do enoy it a lot!! LOLS! We reach Newton Circus at 11 and we hab onli 30 mins to finish our meal before the last train come. So we chiong at last minutes. Hahas. We even climb the lan gan instead of the overhead bridge. It's realli fun!! Luckily we were in time for the last train and omg! Mable is so funni when she is leaving the train. LOLS!

Mi and Baoxin had to walk home lor! So stupid. Ellin was lucky because she took e last bus. Not lye us! We still stand at the bus-intercharge waiting for bus lor. Stupid rite? Den the person come and tell us there isn't any bus services le. So we walk home together and I boro a umbrella from her. I reach home at about 1++ and slp at 2++. So tirish!

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