Friday, December 15, 2006

Watching movie with friendS

Oh. I was so sianz todae! =( So bored! Argh! It's realli a Lame dae fer mi. Stupid. Frets.

I woke at XXX time to play PC and den I went to watch movie "The hoildae" with Tiffy n See Theng. Watch finish le den I mit a friend to pass her her necklace at MRT dere. Den I go home.. lols.. auct I was going to be going out with my sis de but in the end didnt because it was quite late le and I was lye so boring no mood to go out. So sianz. I should hab continue shopping with Tiffy and See Theng until I happi or wad.

So i eat KFC with my sis and started surfing the net. Hahas. It's been quite a while since I has been complaining tat there's nothing fer mi to do! Lols. Oh my sis brought mi a puzzle (I had to pay fer it though) featuring Final Fantasy scene. It's been quite a long since i fixed puzzle alreadi. Y? No time No sleep no mood.

Do I hate tis type of life? YES! I hate. I would rather a dae when I can realli stay one full dae at home! I would rather enjoy a dae all alone with my family together at home! I wondered how long is it tat I haben done tat.. I''m such an unfillal gal. I'm always free to go out with friends (although most of e time I last min dun wan or wad.. sad cuz I always prefer to stay at home so always last min decide) but I'm always busy to go out with my paretns or stay juz one dae at home. I'm so bad!


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