Thursday, December 07, 2006

Distributing Flyers @ Tampiness

Now is.. um.. 9.09pm.. Gosh~ So mani interesting ting happens todae.. but to mi is sianz de.. cuz I lack of sleep beri beri sianZ. heheS.

I wake up at 7:30am thx to Singhui.. hu cor mi up and then we chiong for work.. siAnz.. when we at Bus 243 tat time, Wei Siong sms her telling her to mit him at 8:55 at JE.. I immediately gong diao.. cuz still got so mani time left! I might as well use the time to sleep juz now?!

hais.. tat is the first nightmare.. Wei Siong arrived punctally arrived be4 8:55 but his friend.. OMG! 9++ den reach.. stupid reason lor.. hahas.. he sae wad he reach at 8:30 de but he didn't see anione so he went home again.. lols..

(muz tied hair so ltr wun sweat.. erm)

Den overall we reach at 10:20 am and John arrived earlier then us.. den ride us to block 467.. tat place do bring bak mani memories.. last year I done tat place with Xiao Jie Jie le.. and the year before with Singhui, Xiao Jie Jie and Wei Siong.. hahas.. how time flies. =) But the ting tat doesn't change... tat is the weather!! Walao!! It's raining lor.. last year oso lye tat.. I rmb the year be4 oso lye tat.. wad e hell..

(Lols.. I found tis juz outside a house lor)

(hahas.. tis hse beri cute.. got the door-no imprinted on the wall -inside the heart shape)

Oh.. deN I do 5 blocks together then pack pack liao.. but the time is 2 ++.. suitable for pc'ing. hehes. Den I went to take bus with Singhui.. intersting ting happen.. we took the bus in wrong direction and landed in Changi Village.. lols.. we get off the bus and realised tat other ppl is boarding the bus (we took juz now), so we hopped in again.. lols.. kinda stupid.. but FUN!

(taken when we going from Changi to Tampiness)

So we wasted one hour at the bus part. De nwe went take neoprint at Tampiness Mall.. lols.. stupid machine.. taught mi tat time is limited.. y? Evidence behind...

(I luv pic No 1 a lot.. but I dun lye no 3.. hahas.. No 2 no comment.. stupid lor.. no time for mi to remove the background.. I believed if it is removed, it shoudl be quite nice cuz it's auctalli sorta desgn de..)

Den we went to Queentown.. oMG! I realli luv Singhui lor! She is alreadi beri tired but she still accompany to Queentown without ani complain.. (I noe she complain for fun onli la) hahas.. she's so good!

OMG! Shocked diao.. the bottom and tops are all so cheap.. and the branded sports wear are oso quite cheap there! Wa.. I fall in luv with a short dere but too bad.. I over spend last month so cannot buy le. I'm glad I'm able to control my tempation. lols.

I was auctalli planning to cut my hair (behind).. since now hoildae can anihow played with my hair.. lols.. but no time.. hahas.. hu asked I go out until so late..

(hahas.. I wanna to hab a tail behind oso sia.. lye Jammie and Zora.. hahas.. oso to recover my childhood memories.. hehes)

Den I went to Comics Connection of Jurong Point to accompany Singhui lor.. she wanna buy the Death Note notebook.. siao 9.90/-. I wanna buy the keroro Gunso de tingy but I tink not valued so didn't buy lor.

Den we went home. Hahas..

Oh.. tmr full shift.. summore got shippment.. sianz 8:30am muz reach dere le.

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