Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Audrey came

HehEs! Todae is a so0o funnI dae. loLs. haHas. Life aT zAra is getting so so so much beta. But saD sharifiah and Shidah didnt come. hais. Nvm! Got Mable and RenA and BaoxIn and Yuling and Ellin will do. hoh0.

HeEs! I reached Zara alone and I was glad be'cos Rena and Mable and the TRF gal is lye waiting fer mi lye tat. YES! I'm so happi I was working in Zara! I'm glad I'm a part of Zara too. ; ) We onli hab mi, Mable and Rena in the morn. I done the repulishment haf way before I do the fitting room! Again!! I'm so happi. =)

I do until 12pm before Bao Xin join mi. We had such great fun doing the fitting room. We even promised to go out together on Fridae. But I was worrying about the date with Tiffy and See Theng.. HaHas. I was wondeering if I could push the date earlier to Thursade but I dun tink tat'll work because See Theng is going out with Yuling on Thursdae. So bo bian, I gif her my phone number fer easy contact, since I wouldn't be for work fer 2 daes.

After I do e fitting room, I went to hab lunch with Rena at e hawker centre there. Po0o Mable, she hab her lunch alone. But she good, she pro. Frets. She was toking to Audre when she came bak and I spotted her.. thanks goodness sake Mable lend mi her phone and I was able to speak to Audrey. Oh mummy. Hahas. I speak fer 2 mins before I realised I shouldn't bi toking on phone when I was on duty! heheS.

After break, I went in the stock room to finish the excess when Mable run in and tell mi Audrey is in Zara le! OMG! I beg Ah-bang and den dash out of the fitting room! Yes! And I finalli saW Audrey and of course, I speak to her before i went to the stock room again. Hahas.

Den I continue to do fitting room den finalli can come out. Oh ya! Lols! I was in the fitting room(dunno y I was dere tat time) when Mable came in and she told mi she go look fer Faymond and Amos's firendster. I was lye laughing all the way when I heard tat (I'm laughing even when typing.) Den she tell mi a lot of tings about their profile (It's not funni when I tyed it out, so I juz forget it ba) lols! Tat frets Mable, she make mi hab such a great laugh tat my rip hurts! HahaS, it's been quite a while since I had such a great laugh. Hahas. LOLS!

Den I go fer break with Rena again. haHas. We went to hab ice-cream. Oh gosh, the double cocolate was so nice but the roacher de was lye shit lor. Yurks. Den we oso hab the long join silver too. Lols. We spend a lot of time eating leis, 1 hour ++ inside the stuff room eating, drinking and toking. Hahas, so fun.

Den we do closing; etc. Aiya.. I forget about those small detail because e onli ting I know was tat I keep on tinking about Faymond and Amos when ever I see Mable and both of us will be keep on laughing there. Lols.. 2 siao zaibo! Tat's y I feel tat yesterdae was such a short dae. Hahas..

Den we do the closing.Erm.. den we go home. Hahas.

I sleep onli in the earli morn at 3++ because I stayed up to watched television. hehes. =)

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