Sunday, December 24, 2006

Countdown begins!

I'm in the afternoon shift de todae. May things turn out lye yesterdae, so fun and nice. heheS. One more week and school will reopen. My feelings? Neutral. I hate to leave those friends at Zara but I miss my Secondary school mates too.

Oh. Wad a fun dae todae. HeheS. hoh0s. I rush to work todae agaiN. So tiring. kEes. I was doing the fitting room again! YESH! With Sharifiah and later with Phyllis! OMG! Wad an happi dae I haD!

Poor Mable was sick todae after she came back from break because she got sum disgestive problem. I took her to the store room to find Yen. I had such a great laugh at the store room man. Mable was so fake with her illness ( but she's realli in great pain) and Yen doesn't believe. So she told Mable to rest in the locker room for 10 mins first beofre she find her. But in the end, after dunno how long, Yen still didn't appear and Mable was slightly beta so she went to work again. She do until 6 sumting before an crazy idea struck mi. I ask her to accompany to Orchard for the count-down. I had an shock when she told mi OKie! OMG! I was lye.. so touchedx. SobS. (with tears of touchness) So she waited for mi at the locker room for about 3-4 hours. I'm so blessed.

I had such fun doing the fitting room with Sharrifiah and I keep on toking and toking while Sharrifiah do nothing but listen and laugh LOLs. lols. Love her man. After tat I do the fitting room with Phyllis until 9pm. Oh gosh tat's so fun!

At about 8, our fitting room was beri smelly. Gosh. almost fainted. I realli pity the lady who went into the stinky fitting room. *Laugh* The lady expression was so funni when she caught the smell. No choice, Phyllis went to take her perfume and spray at every room. Tat realli helps lor. Den we asked Mable to help us buy Marsh Mellows at Mini Toons. keKes. But when she came bak, I was on the selling floor alreadi. So she hid the Marsh Mellow in the fitting room.

The worst part came when we are doing closing. I accidently open the drawer which got Marsh Mellow in front of Yen. Needless to sae, Yen question about it but luckily Phyllis cover up for it. Phew. Oh toking about Phyllis, I realli wanna sae sorri to her. *Continued ltr* So we do the closing and Mable took the Marsh Mellows into the locker room. Finalli the Marsh Mellow incident was settled. Phew.

Afer doing clsoing, mi and Mable went to Orchard for the count-down event. I cor Phyllis to come with us but I didnt hab the chance to go close to her after we left Zara. So she went home if I'm not wrong. Sorri leis, Phyllis.

HahaS. We went to toast box with Yuling first before we went to Orchard. HeheS. It's realli beri fun eating there. Hahas. Yuling went off first though. We reach Orchard at around 11.40 and went for the countdown. It's so sad throwing the ice-cream because the ppl spray foam on it alreadi. Den after the count-down, we went to the hotel to wash up. Wow! I realli luv the hotel's toilet. It's realli beri high-class., okie? Den we went to the top storey to take a look at the scencry, which is 35th storey. We can still hear the screams at the 1st storey. Imgaine how noisy they are.

Den we went out of the hotel and went home. I reached home at about 3 in the morn and was so tirish.

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