Sunday, December 10, 2006

I'm so haPpi!


OMG! How comE I cannot write a new post huh? They sae wad "Webpage unavaible". It's been 2 daes! OMG! How?!hais!


I had an enjoyable dae yesterdae~! Hahas.. alrite during 5-7pm I was lye quite in a bad mood.. cuz stress and den summore tat sumone (who hapens to be my friend) keep saying saying. If I'm wrong, juz tell mi where is it.. guess wad she did? She sae "Nvm, let her tell mi wad's wrong with it with tis pants" folo by "oi, Singyi, wad's wrong with tis pants huh?". Bloody hell la! I was alreadi so busy and u expected mi to play with u ar? Ass. Lols.. Tat's wad tat make mi dam angry and I immidately shoot bak "Ya la Ya la. Fold la. Happi?".. She oso make so mani mistakes and I haben even sae her lor. Freak. (auctalli I wanted to shout much more vulagities about her here.. but forget it)

Oo.. dun tok about unhappy tingy le. Hehes.. O.. yesterdae I was in e same MRT train with Yuling and I saw her.. but didnt go to her cuz I dun wan to stand. Summore I was reading my comics until haf way le. Hahas. We contact each other via SMS. Lols. Den she tell mi she sae F^3.. I was lye shocked diao. I immediately tink "Not again? Tis'll bi the 2nd time I see him in Vivocity le lei" Lols.. Den we went to Zara togetheR. At Outram Park interchange dere, I received cor from Pui Ying.. I was surprised tat she came bak so earli. hahas. And she tell mi a lot of sad tingy, lye she left e lolipop which she promised mi to bring home at Malaysia. She told mi tat e lolipop cost $8 each stick and it was bigger den e one in " Goong". Gosh~ Summore, she brought 10 sticks.. hehes.. juz rite for every of us. Luckily, however, she brought the magazine I wanted to read for mi. Thanks a lot. =)

HaHas.. we went to Zara.. den rot in the locker room until about 20 mins den we go out to work. Hahas. But work until haf-way I stomachache so I grab my comics and chiong to e toilet.. the toilet is lye.. not suitable for stomachache people.. cuz.. hehes.. quite disguesting if I sae it out. Lols.

Den I work work work.. until dinner.. Omg! I was lye "high" at dinner time.. dunno y. O.. I went to the hawker centre again with Yuling, Mable and Zora. But in the end, I eat there with Yuling while Mable and Zora went bak first because they cannot stand e hotness dere. Lols. I had my ba-choang mee (minced meat noodles) while Yuling had her duck rice. After we eat, we went to order a plate of osyter omlette.. which we both share the cost. Lols. It's quite okie but e one at the Redhill is still better. =)

After tat I went to hab my break at the locker room before going to the fitting room. I was quite okie at there at first but as time go by.. My face turn more and more black.. lols.. cuZ I was veri stress. Den got tis cumstomer wanted to do alternation for her jeans.. and I forget to fill in the article number.. A while later, Ah-bang tell mi about it nicely. Gosh! I'm so lucky! Hahas.. den I continued to do and do and the crowd was getting lesser so I was not tat stress and managed to get "high" again. Lols.. I keep on cracking lame jokes dere.. Luckily Shu wen is able to tahan. And she sae sumting which make mi leave quite happy. Lols. She told mi tat she had a friend who had a broad shoulder. So she had diffculites buying clothes.. Lols.. same as mi.. because I nid to be beri careful in buying tee cuz it might make mi look plump for sum tee. hehes

Lols. Den Ah-bang came in and ask Shu Wen to go bak to TRF.. I was quite sianz.. lols. cuz I wanted to try the clothes lor.. and nid sumone to look aftfer the fitting room. SianZ.. Of course I didnt tell Ah-bang tat. I keep telling him I nid Shu Wen cuz maybe later got a group of ppl come in then how? I easily stress.. lots of crap excuse.. so Ah-bang in the end still let mi do the fitting ALONE!

Oh, Jermain was switched to the Man's department together with Elricia and the new gal in Womans le in the evenings.

Bo-bian. I keep on doing. Den Yuling came in- I immdiately asked her to take care of the fitting room while I went to try the clothes on. She oso take a look at it.. lols.. I try 2 tops and 1 pants (pants is onli fun fun). Lols. In the end. all the 2 tops shows tat the pants is a real nice one! Omg! I got the tempt to buy it.. but no! too exp. $89.90. I'm still wondering whether I should get the $16.90 Mark down item or not.. heheS.. cuz M is too huge for mi.. I'll try to see if I can find a S size one first. =)

Den I do the closing. O dear.. tat's e saddest and the happiest part! hahs. I'm happy becuz I know Mable immediately. lols. the first time in fitting room I teach her sumting. The 2nd time we tok I have alreadi started cracking jokes with her..gosh..hahas. But I feel tat her words are lye Audrey while her laughter is lye Zora. Realli! I oso dunno y did i feel in tat way. lols. Hahas. Anyway.. she is realli realli fun to be with. Hahas.. When I crack lame jokes, she will continue to play mi. Luv tis type of gerls Man!

Hahas.. den come e saddest part. Cuz Mable told mi tat we might be getting the N results either on 15.12.06 or 18.12.06. I started to worri and reach for my Hp and started looking if I'm on leave tis fri. lols.. Den I was caught by Winnie and was being scolded.. quite sad but it's okie de la. Hahas. Luckily Mable cheer mi up cuz I was lye beri paiseh after being scolded and she "poked" mi.. I was shocked diao and lols.. dunno y.. tat relieved mi a lot. hahas. Thx a lot! hahas.

Den we went home. Mi, yUling, Mable, Jermain and Zora went home together. Hahas. Zora went to the carpark because sum one is fetching her up. So in the end, mi, yuling, Mable and jermain went to take e MRT together. Gosh! Mable is realli fun man.. hahas. She crack lame qns I gif her lame ans. Hahas. So fun.. it's being a long time lo! =) Hehes!

O.. at outram park interchange.. we went a group of guys.. walao! Sec 5 de! =S At first I onli saw one of em.. I was lye no la, not em de la, cuzz the group got a lot of guys I nv see before. But ltr I saw e F^2.. oh my gosh. I immediately shouted to Jermain and Yuling in a small voice. Lols.. Den we keep discussing.

Den we went home. I eat ice-cream, agar agar, bath, read comics. Sleep. hahas. 1++ alreadi by tat time.

Um.. tmr I'm in the afternoon shift so I can hab a go0d sleep man! =)

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