Monday, December 04, 2006

anotHeR worKinG daY


Nothing muz happEn todaE.. but I was quite in a bad mo0d today.. dunno y leis. Morn I was veri "high" spirit but in the afterno0n and so on I was quite sianz sianz le. haiS.

Um.. todae was Sunday so my parents was at home and my mum wake up at 8 am to cor mi up since I nid to report to work at 9:30am. Hias.. my mum so good lor, she can sleep more de but she didnt and she cor mi up. I'm so lucki. =)

I rush out at 8:30am and even nid to run for bus lor. hahas.. morning exercise. Lols! Luckily I reach there in time- 9:30am. hehes

DeN i went for the morning briefing, deen start repushlishment. Tat time I was in a quite high spirit so I keep on toking. Hahas.

As the dae go on.. I became more and more sianz so I didnt realli tok le. Summore time pass beri slow lor.
I went to the hawker centre near Vivocity to hab my lunch and dinner wit Yuling (1pm and 5pm).

At about 8++ Yen ask Seri and Jermain to go home first.. walao! So g0od lor! =( I tink is bi'cuz no crowd so dunnid so mani staff there bahs.

Todae we do the sizing;etc veri fast. Lols. We even went to help the gents.. which is beri messy. Hahas.

After which we went to eat Toast Box, since it is still open. The guy there sae Zora and immediately sae " the heisehui (gangster) is here" Lols! (because Zora used vulugar there before)Hahas

Den we took train home. Jammie went to take bus while mi yuling and zora went to take Mrt lor. hahas

Oh, we saw our skool mate at the Mrt.. lols. scared mi sia. Hahas

I reach home le, I read comics, bath, watch Inuyasha, sleep. Hahas

Not a happi dae. =(

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