Saturday, December 09, 2006

Midnight sales tonight!

Yes! I slept fer about 12 hours le todae.. compared to the 5-6 hrs I had tis few daes. Shiock! Hhahas.

I rush to my workplace at 3.10 lye tat but was still late.. lols... by 4 mins.. can I sae tat it's jammie's fault? Lols.. I saw her on the train de.. she freak mi lor! I was at the train walking towards another compartment when suddenly sumone grabbed mi by my hand.. wai! freako leis.. hahas.. deN i turned bak and I saw- Jammie. Lols. I l0oked at the time and was lye.. forget it la, comfirmed late le, no nid so rush, I accompany Jammie to get refund for her standard ticket and walk e longer route to Vivocity. HahAs.

Den I reached dere, Sally and the others are discussing about e food to eat during our christmas party. I popped out "KFC Chicken" lols.. deN sally tell mi "U wait long long la. U want to order how mani chicken?". Lols.. i tink again and was lye "Ya hor! Sot! loLs.. We dere got maybe more than 20 ppl leis.." hAhAs. Den Jermain came and we are supposed to do st0ck r0om togetheR. But our speed veri slOw.. 1st, I'm hungry and tired.. dun no y. 2nd, we keep on dili-ladi deRe. HaHas.

We went to HarboUrfrOnt deRe t0 eaT.. Mi, yUlinG, RenA aNd Jermain. All of them eat chicken rice whIle I had my chicken n0odle. hAhAs.

Den we went baK to w0rk.. HahAs. TodaE waS veri busY leIs.. summore, at 7++ onli got mi, jermain and rena..walao.. cuz all of the other baisc went for break. RenA was in the fitting room, Jermain doing the runner.. so auctalli onli I was doing the sellIng fl0or. Hahas.. dEn suddenLi Sally cor mi and yuLing to see her.. I was lye cared.. cuz we "eat snake" juz now during break time.. In the end, she onli wanted to ask us if whether we want to be transfer over to Men's department. Of course I immidetely refused la! Sia0.. oVer my deaD body lor! In thE enD is yuling and Jermain.

However, later while Elricia was signing her resignaton letter, Sally mention about it too. Den Elricia was lye.. okie lor, if I go to Men's department I will not quit. Hahas. So in the end Jermain and Elricia will be going over to the Men's department until 31st Dec. hehEs.

Den we d0 d0 d0. Lols.. my family come todae to shop shop. Sianz. I os0 wanna sh0p leis.. deN tat SinghuI still poke mi sumMore.. I was lye electrocuted sia. HahaS.

DeN we d0 the closing.. I was quite "high" le tat time. Dunn0 y 0so.. juz feel lye toking and toking.. no one answer 0so nvm. hehes.

Den we go home. Lols! Sumting hapPen lor. My mum anD jErmain's mum worked in Sony together before.. her mum was in the cateen working while my mum was Sony's staff.. I was lye.. walao.. so concidence dE! But quite sianz after quite a long tiMe.. sianZ until I juz keep quiet.

Oh den reach home. eat 2 ice-cream waffle, eat agar agar, watch televsion until 2 sumting deN reaD comicS. OMG! So h0t sia the comics.. lolS.. so I read until lye 4 deN sleep.. Die.. tmr morning sure diE de.. haiyoyo. =)

I realli love todae! Todae is quite a enjoyable dae for mi. =)

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