Saturday, December 23, 2006

Vivo midnight sales

gosh.. wake up at 12 smting. will be sleeping more but Mable sms wake mi up. I oso wish tat I could mit her at 2.30 but time is too limit. tat's sad. Aniway, thx to her, I was able to play 2 hrs of PC.. if she dint wake mi up, maybe I dunnid to touch the pc le. hahas.

My dad fetch mi to Jurong Point since it was raining and den I took e MRT to Vivocity. Late again.. but nah, it's so normal, ya? hahas.. den I went for my duties.

Hm... it's quite fun ytd. Lols. I had a great laugh ytd lor. hahas. It's been such a few daes since I had a great laugh. Sharifiah was beri sick ytd and so she went hme first. She's realli wonderful because she realli tahan until she buai tahan le. Her face turn pale and her eyes is reddish alreadi but she continued her duties.

After tat, mi and Mable we sneaked off to topshop. Lols. It's realli fun. I went to the toilet first and den Mable went in to find mi. Bao xin was at the toilet too lor. lols. But she went in Zara first, I didn't ask her to go with us because my parents and relatives was outside Zara, so I immediately grab Mable's hand and went into Topshop. Mable told mi she saw tis realli handsome guy dere but nah, he's handsome? Maybe diff ppl had diff taste ba. hehEs.

After tat we went bak and OMG.. the whole basic always crowd together to tok. JialucK! Dangerous sign! Ltr Jammie told us she wanted to scold Adila for not doing the runner.. but she didn't managed be'cuz Adila go and do le. All of em dun quite lye Adila but I tink she's okies leis. So once again, we crowded again to discuss mor about it. Hahas. GerlS.

Den when about closing, my family cam to Zara b'cuz my sis wanted to buy a long sleeve blouse from Zara basixcs, I was lye shock diao because the blouse is fer ladies, not gerls! Lols, Ellin oso shock diao when I told her my sis wanna tat blouse.

Aniway, they didnt brought it because it's exp and oso my sis cannot fit into it. Den we are closing le. I was planning to try the clothes but was not able to do so because I'm scared tat the managers will find out, so in the end I onli try 1 piece. Sigh.

Den we do the closing and off we go home. My dad took Baoxin home while Ellin and Jermain took a cab.

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