Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Prom nite/ Christmas Party

*Yawn* 7 sumting in e morning. Not tat I juz wake up, but tat I haben sleep! Oh gosh, I dunch noe how I'm going to spend the rest of my day le.. I cant sleep. Ltr still nid to accompany Mable to buy christmas present for Zara and den to go down bak to the old place to celebrate at 10.30pm. Life is so stress!

I had my prom nite yesterdae at hilton hotel. Oh gosh, wad an stupid dae. Waste of time and money. I rather sleep at home. hahas. BUt sumting interesting happened after porm nite. LOLS!
Okie, lets rewind time den- [19.12.2006]

After playing PC yesterdae, I went to eat the meal my sis pack home be'cuz she went to my parent's stall to help. Both of us watch "trumiph in the skies of sky" tat was recorded last nite. After whcih I went to hab a small break.

I went to Ellin's house at 4++ and reach dere beri early. I waited for Pei Shan until 5 ++ but still no cor from her. Instead, I received a cor from Yuling. Hahas. They realli meant wad they sae and they wanted to mit us at Somerset before we go to other place to hab our supper. hehes. Den I waited quite a while before Pei Shan cor and ask mi to go to Ellin's house first. I was lye not happi.. imagine waiting for sumone for about 15 mins or so. But I noe her pattern, so I wasn't angry with her. I'm angry with myself, I should hab grab more sleep!

Finalli I reach Ellin's house, and Pei Shan and Jermain reach. Den we keep on rushing dere. After which i realised i forgotton to bring my porm tickets. So at 7 sumting, I'm on my way miting my mum to get the ticket. Imagine I had to get it in the midst of the rain. hAIS. But aniway! I realli luv my mum! Imagine the big rain and she had such diffcult pushing open the gate.. I realli is so grateful to my mum. It's kinda pity she had mi as her daughter. haiS.

We reach there beri late and I was so scared and sianz. So boring dere. I even started to miss Zara's friends so badly. hey! It's true. It's realli sad. It's lye we are so cor stranger to each other. I dun wad to tok; etc. Stress. Nvm, everything will turn bak normal after school starts. But wad will happen to our friendship bond in Zara?

It's so sad juz tinking tat we'll be leaving Zara so soon..O..those jokes and laughter and voices. Hais. I'm gonna to miss Baoxin, Ella,Jamie, Lynn,Mable,Rena, Sharifiah, Shuwen, Shidah, Yuan Mei. Gosh.Can I add Audrey and Zora in? It's realli fun with em! Gosh~! I'm going to miss em! Can I dun start schooling so earli?

We eat e food, watch performances. Oh Catherine sings 2 songs leis! hahaS. Beri nice but the mike is not good, I guess. Dengot wad porm king porm queen. Yes! Chu Hong is the porm queen! Congrus. It's realli kinda boring. So sianz. After we went to take our class prom photo, mi , Ellin and Jermain went out of the hotel at 10 and we cor Yuling they all, onli to realise tat they are eating at Vivocity Toast Box. Of course we wun wan to go dere! So in the end, we decide to go Ellin's house first beofre deciding on other tings.

In the end, we took taxi home because it's raining and it's kinda frets to see people wearing so nice on the MRT. On the taxi, we came to the conclusion tat we will be coring home delievery (*Mc Donald) and eat at Ellin's house and chat chat.

But hu noes, we chat chat eat eat and Zhiti cor! So she came to Ellin hse and Jermain and mi oso decide to stay overnite aat Ellin's house. Lols. hahas. It's fun. And LOLS!

So three of us were in the room, together with the fret Brise. Gross. wE cor delivery again. lols. And we were in the midst of toking ghost story.. and "knock knock". O. tat do wakes mi up! I was lye scare waken! Den earli morn 3.. each of em fall.. leaving mi and Zhiti , and we started chatting. OMG! Her childhood is lye filled of fun and excitements. HahaS. Strange thinking. Den 5 sumting we cor for breakfast. HahaS. it's the same delievery man! Gosah! Lols! It's realli funni and we had a great morning, thjx to Brise. Oh, he's so greedy. Hahas. It's realli fun.

Gosh I cant take it. I realli got to sleep. I'm afraid I'm sick. Oh dear.

--Flashback finishes--

I've juz went to Vivocity with Mable. O..I'm so sad.. I wanna continue shooping too de.. but I cant. Cuz I nid to rush home, okie? I dunno how long it has been since I last taste my mum's food. It's realli sad hor? But I realli do wan to go to vivocity.. Audrey is dere! Imgaine tat! Argh! I'm struck! So in the end I went home.

I mit Mable at Harbourfront and both of us were late` totaal time late- 1 hour. Isnt tat idiotic? But we did it!

Mable even took the same train with my sis! OMG! So cincidence.. imagine I left home later than my sis but she reach later den I reach. Her friends oso lye to late late de.. hahas. Mentioning about my sis, I rmb my ffriend and started to miss her.. Joleen. It's been a long while since we tok. Oh, its sad!.

Den we went to top shop to look fer her guy and I accompany her. The bags are nice and come along with a nice price too. Lols. Oh, one thing to mention. I saw a hair band at Forever21 and I'm going craz about it. I'm wanna buy it because of the previous trip to Bugis, when Yuling and See Theng wear it. Now I'm going to buy it too! I do hope I will get Mable's present because her present is so creative-less but value-able. 10 bcks top-shop vouchers! It's realli a great idea! I realli do hope to get the voucher..

After that we went to Zara and I was forced into it.. I dun wan to go in lor.. so paiseh.. but still get in and realised tat Mable todae off dae. But no choice, I got to go. Bye! Everyone~! hahas. *Sad* Can't see Audrey. *Smiles* but I can be a fillal gal. Wooho0!

DEn I continue to be the sleeping beauty.. I sleep until dinner time- after dinner, I continue dozing again until 9++ cuz I gota go to Zara party. How I wish I can continue to sleep instead of waking up to go there..

When I reach Zara, I was juz outside Zara figuring wad to do with the door because it was close when Jermain cor.. and for heaven sake, they tok I was outside all along. Please la. I wouldn't do tis k? I would rather walk off to other places and come bak when other ppl cor.

At Zara, I dun realli hab e mood to play lor.. so blur lor.. if not I will be appearing on every pic instead of onli sum pictures. Tat's so stupid.
We exchange gift and I got the mug by Jammie. HeeS.. Zora and Audrey oso had a part to play in it. Yesh!

I return Bao xin her umbrella and Rena her neoprints. So we eat eat, take photos, den go ho,e. Oh.. I'm so tired.

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