Tuesday, December 12, 2006


HehEs. Yesterdae waS so0o fun! w0hu! Alrite I heard sumting saD agaIn.. hais.. dun ask mi wad it is.. not gonna to tell ya. =P

Yesterdae I was playing PC until haf way when Jermain cor mi.. she sae she wunn't bi going t0 work because she is sick. So I was lye sianz cuz I know Yuling, Ellin and even Mable is off.. now Jermain oso off. Sianz- was wad I thought of.

But no! It turn out to be so fun! Lols. I realli luv yesterdae! I guess I must hab been working happily for quite a lot of daes. HahaS.. My best frieNds lasT nite turned out to be: Jammie, Shariffiah, Rena, Shidah and another cashier.. oops I forget her name.. As u see, I'm not good with remembering names.

Oops. Jammie is realli good` she told mi tat Chow Yun Fat is coming tonight at 7:30pm to promote the new movie. OMG! I was lye shock and yea! I immediately ask Rena if she wanted to go see him too. Lols. She agree without much hesitation. We had a plan so tat we wunn't bi know.. heheS. I went to the toilet first before she went to. We mit at the Viviomart outside and Yes! We sae Chow-Yun Fat! Woohoo! Hhaahs. But we onli watch for a while then we go be'cuz Baiscs has no one on the selling floor. Oops.

I keep on playing with Shidah yesterdae.. hahas. I realised tat when she is toking in a fierce tone, u can still joke with her... Dunnid to worri de.lols. Den another cashier is oso beri fun..Aiyo, both cashiers are so fun to be with. Hahas.
Den come e closing.. OMG! it's so messy. Summore the runner is so letdown.. lols.. the runner is mi! After closing, I still hab lotsa clothes to run. Sigh.
Aftre which we went home and I go home with Sharifiah and Rena. Hahas. So fun. =)
I reach home. I eat. I bath. I sleep. =)

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