Tuesday, December 05, 2006

NiceY dae. =)

Now is 8++ onli.. wake up at 7++ so early juz to play computer. Lols.. cuz I'll be going off at 8 sumting and will be entering onli by tmr.

Sianz.. I dun feel lye leaving the computer lor.. but cannot! I nid to bath before I leave. Hais.. I hate working so much as lye I hate studying so much. Time always go so fast de and still nid to face tat Hebi-hiam. Sianz ar! Dunno ltr what mistake 'll I make again. Hais.. life is so sad fer mi.

Woman in black is about to leave the computer for mission lor~! Hahas.. stupid. Sianz.. I dun wanNa w0rK la..! But I wanNA e m0neY leiS.. sians ar sianx.

-- NiteS --
Wooh0o! I'm bak! Lols. HahAs.. I toK I wouldn't bi able to touch the PC le.. heng ar.. hahas.

Okie.. let's start from tis morn lor.

I went take bus when suddenly Ellin cor mi.. she told mi she wanna MIA b'cuz Brise is sick n wannA bring hIm t0 seE doct0r. She evEn sae she taken 400 bucks for him lor. StupiD dog lor.. lols.. my medical fee oso not that high. She sae Brise vommit.. wa pIang~ tis stupid doG! It's lye every day no sick cannot one. Hees. ocT- Anus got infection, Nov- Cough, no appeitie, Dec- Vommit. Tis dog ar.. more fussy and worse off then mi. Hm.. mayb cuz still puppy bah.. dunNo. But I noe- if Ellin see mi scolding Brise "stupid dog", I sure kena by her de. HeEheS

Den I mit YulinG at Chinese Garden MRT dere. Hahas.. veri much of a concidence cuz we didn't plan to mit up since.. meet-ups are beri stress for mi.. =) Den we went to work together.. tototo.. train moving..

We reach there quite early.. 3 minutes before 9:30.. lols.. cuz I always juz nice 9:30 or if not den 9:29 tat type of timing. HeheS.

Den we do the briefing. Den repulishment. Um.. Yuling shiock lor.. Do stock roOm.. I oso wan.. can take a look at clothes and den comment: w0w! tis's nice.. I wanna buy leh.. but too exp." hehes.

Oh todae got a new gal at Basics cor Rena~ hahas.. her voice beri cute de.. jealous sia. ", I teach her do replenishment oso den... time flies... I do fitting room from 10-2pm.

But I onli doing fitting room at 11am because I was doing replenishment for one hour mah. Ah Bang finalli buai tahan and den shooved mi to the fitting room. Lols!

So i keep on doing fitting room until 2 pm before I went for break. I wanted to eat with Rena, Sharifiah and the Trf new gal.. but in e end I lunched myself onli.. hu asked mi so blur. Cuz I nid to go POSB to take my pay so I nid to go to the queueing-up mah. I told them I'll be going to POSB bank. Hahas.. they did went to look for mi.. but they are in the Harbourfront Centre POSB while I'm in the Vivocity POSB.. stupid rite?!

I made my card there and withdraw my pay of 800++ bucks and went to OCBC (which is juz oppsite POSB) to transfer the 800++ (which consists of so mani $50 cash notes). Hehes. I rush to the hawker centre near-by to hab my lunch and rush bak to work-place again.. late by 3 minutes.

Oh, then i start work work work. Everything was in a mess now because they changed the arrangement alreadi. But tis time is slightly beta. The people auctalli is good compared to last time, although it's still the same people. They still flash their smiles to mi, unlike last time, when they will juz gif u a fierce fierce look. Hahas. Even Susy (hu I dun lye in the past cuz she sort of "attidue" mi) is quite good to mi alreadi. The world is getting better and better.. =)

Den it's time to go home lor. I look at my schelehue again (I looked at it in the Money and was dere CBCB liao) and was lye "Walao!"SIanz" cuz I next thursade and fridae off.. I dun lye off in a straight row de leis.

Summore porm nite tat dae is Morning shift. Den the next dae is full shift. Imagine that! Porm nite starts at around 7++ and might last until midnite 2-3pm.. lols.. ALreadi half dead still nid to do full shift.. hahas.. so planning to ask Jermain to tell Sally about it ( cuz I imform Sally about chalet de dates de). Hahas.. which is tmr. Take care wor Jermain!

Oh deN I went to the counter to take out one of the reserved clothes and put in another.. a lot of opinion on tis new cloth which I plan to put in- Phyllis sae lye auntie. Cashier sae not beri nice. The Jammie more worse.. she sae okie la! And was devilish grinning dere.. lye I was a clown lye tat .. I prefer to listen to Ellin words.. lolls.. she sae “okie la” quite serious.. not lye tat Jammie.. hais .. In the end.. I still reserved it.. Dun care le la. So I've got 2 reserved pieces le.

Den I went home, eat sausages with rice (of course!) with my parents, den play Computer.. played until eleven ++..

my mum was realli beri angry wit mi fer playing so long. Hu can i blame? Audrey! Hahas. She la.. keep on toking and toking. Hahas. All I nid to do is to suan her and be a good audience. Hahas. But tat's wad I lye about her. =) Wun be bored mah. Poor ting lei her.. hahas.. h0h0s... her pay beri lita. But mine isn't ani beta too.

After playing PC, I went to watch "Trumpip in the skies of sky" (sumting yle tat de).. Chinese is "chong shang yun xiao". Beri nice show. Hahas.. while watching I go eat corn flakes with coco milk.. hahas.. comfirm turn fat de if tis persists.
Den I do my total saving for this 2 months and was kinda disappointed. Hais. =(
my life~ my loveli little life~Check it out! hehes.. influenced by the song "My humps".. hees.. cuz I listen to it everydae lor.. working place keeps on playing it sia.

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