Monday, December 04, 2006

Watching Happy Feet.


Todae is off dae, but I'm not happie. I'm sandwiched between my mum and Ellin!

I promised Ellin to go watch movie wit her on Sat but I cannot make it so I changed it to Mon lor. Den on the same dae, I oso promised my mum to eat dinner and my mum had even planned to make seafood souP wit lotsa my favourite food..

I wanted to rejected Ellin de but I dun dare leis.. cuz last min dun wan to go lye not good. Summore I keep on changing the time oso not beri good. So no choice I told my mum I'll be going out wit my friends and wouldn't be back for dinner. It's realli sad lor.. cuZ i rarely spend time with my parents le since I work.. now got off dae I still go out.. I realli feel beri bad to my parents leis.. I realli wanna spend more time with em lor.. but cannot..

I'll be watching the last show-time de be'cuz jermain oso wana watch. Sianz, y she morn shift? If she not watching or she no work tat dae, den maybe I'll be watching the earli earli one and might still be able to make it for dinner. But now.. sigh.. dam moody sia.. walao..

Den I went to pack my tingys and was preparing to go out when my parents came home, folo by my sis. HeheS, den my mum asked if I want to eat or not 1st be4 I go out. I sae okie lor since I still got time mah.

After eating, i went to try my new make up.. which turn out to be a huge disater! Lols.. 1st timers is always lye tat de. So in the end I onli managed to put up Macala (aiya..dunno how to spell la) and a lita bit of eye liner.

When I reach Harbourfront, walao! I saw Patrick Mok dere be'cuz they fliming sum sort of advertisment or mayb is wad entertainment show. hahas.

Then I mit Ellin and her sis first before seeing Jermain. Poor Jermain.. she sick lor. hehes. She become more worse after we watch the show 'Happy Feet' and summore shes till eat pop-corn.Lols!

Oh, mentioning about 'happy feet'.. I tink the story is beri ridiculous towards the ending.. Erm.. summore, if u wanna leave a cute impression of the penguins, leave after u watched for maybe 15 mins because they get quite ugly after they grow up. But OMG they are realli beri cute when they are youNg! =)

After watching the show, we went to POSB to see if Ellin gota the pay or not alreadi cuz she got the POSB card mah.. but we dun hab. In the end.. we didn't see a immediately increase in Ellin's account. hais..

Den we went home and I reach home at about 10:20. Bath, watch tv, read comics.. about 1++ den I sleep lor. Hehes.

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