Saturday, June 20, 2009

becuase time left us grasping for more time

Johor today with my aunt and cousin and my sis and it was awfully tiring. I just walk and walk and after about 3 hours, my legs just gave up. it was hurting really really very badly and so is my eyes. so damnnn dry and tired. ): i feel so bad for torturing them, the only good one is my stomach, which i fed it with a RM 20.90 chicken chop at Wang Jiao.

JB is way sooo damn boring.
the clothes are not cheap, the books are not much in variety, and and and i'm awfully tired because I've only slept a 3.5 hours last night!

so in the end, i've brought only 4 magazines, 1/2 year supply of contacts lenses, loreal haircare products because Watsons is having sales!

and i'm almost as tired as the 2nd day of chalet because once i got home i just slept all the way till my mum comes back at 8.30pm.

holland V flea market tomorrow! hopefully i sell well and at the very least, earn back whatever i've spent on the stuff!

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