Thursday, May 15, 2008



At first, Catherine and I are rather relunctant to go for fencing but we decided to go for it anyway. :(
BUTTTT it turn out very fun!!

I made 2 new friends (to be exact) from AT (AWWW. My favourite course!!), but I forget what their names are. T-T Hahaa.

Aerospace Technology Friend 1
WEEEE. She told me that if I want, I can join her class for lunch!! OMG. I'm soooo happy!! :)
It's the first day we met, but we immediately clinched together, especially after I know that her class have only 2 girls!!! OMGG, exactly the same as me!! ^^

And she was auctally from JC for one year, and switch over to Poly only at this year because she find that JC life too sianx. It's like doing the same old ting over and over again.

Aerospace Technology FRIEND 2
He was damn interested in my shoes sia, and couldnt bring himself to believe that mine was a fake when I told him so!!

So when he accidentally step on my shoes, he apologized and I told him, it's okay, because it's only $20. So he say "Oh, then I should step more on it." LOL. I answered "You better not hor!!" :D

Meantime, there's this girl from Early Childhood who heard our conversation and asked me "Your shoes is so nice, how much did you get it for" And then he help me to answer "Hers is fake one lo. Only $20." I immediately shouted "Walao. DUN say lah. Let them think mine is damn expensive, let me wei feng wei feng lei"

But he is really nice, at least I feel TALL beside him!! Mind you, he is rather shorter than I'm. LOL. i didnt realised that until the teacher asked us to line up and I was behind him.

He: OMG. You are taller than me!
Me: (look at him).. OH YA HOR. Somemore your sports shoes got the what can make you taller one right?
He: NOOOO!! Okay lah, ya, have.
Me: You know hor, mine dun have lei.. but I'm still taller than you. Wahahah!!

(I feel so happy about being taller right now! WAHAHA, after I realised that both Chirstina and Goh Shiyun is auctally TALLER than me!!))

After practice
The practice is so meaningful that even Catherine, who wanted to quit orginally, decided to stay on. WHEEEE. And we auctally wanted to go home after Fencing, BUTT, we decided to go to Mac and have our supper there with our seniors!! WHEEEE!! It was so fun I hope I need not go home. :( Haha.

And I was being so playful after Fencing because I was rather too high, thanks to Dean lah!! He was so high and then it affects me!!

I asked Dean to ask me for my number, wahaha. But of course, we didnt exchange numbers in the end because he knew too well I was going to play a trick on him. Wahaha.

And then when we are eating, I was laughing so hard at my senior and Dean so hard because they are ridiously funny. And then we are talking about my senior's experience in NS, which really made me burst out laughing very very loud.

Eg; He shot at his enemy, who was urinating half way during warfare game. Wahaha. And the enemy was so shocked by it he ran away without zipping his pants!! LOL.

So after we ate at Macdonalds, we went home. LOL, and I went home with one of my seniors. He damn cute one. LOL. He look so young!! And he happens to stay around my area too.

So he asked me which area do I exactly live at , I told him I stay around Gek Poh Shopping Centre.
He told me "LOL. Where is Gek Poh Shopping Centre?"
I answer "HAR. Gek Poh Shopping centre you also dunno? How long have you been living in Jurong"
He reply "How I know! I just moved here!!".
And then I laugh out loud, before replying "No wonder you dunno!!"

Fencing fencing fencing. :)

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