Friday, May 23, 2008

I love Ellin like no body's bussiness!! AHA!


I was so upset because I didnt.. in the morning. (SECRET)
And it's been a X week week already (SECRET too) T-T
BUT BUT BUT that didnt dampen my spirits!
Yuling came to my school today again! *YAY*
And I pon class just to fetch her! *FUN*

While waiting for Yuling~


Reluntantly went to Cateen 1 with Yuling because I dun like to go to Cateen with her! (known SECRET) But went there anyway because she promised me *SECRET*. ^^ And and and, I realised that a lot of my classmates was eating at Cateen 1 too! Like only TODAY.

FAT (1pm-3pm)

After break, I went for FAT and I tink ALL my classmates know that I'm moving to TP, which is a very very serious thing because.. ARGH. CRAP. :(

Anyway, FAT was rather fun today because I got myself involved in class, eg; I shouted "WHAT, CAN GO HOME ALREADY AH. YAYYYY!!!" after I heard teacher saying "... That's all". HAHA.

And teacher decided to release us earlier today so I immediately rush off to meet Yuling and Yee Cheng (who was playing merrily in the phone with me by repeating "I'm your best friend" -.-) in the library. And then met Shi Yun at 3pm after she was released after class. ^^

Returning to Fuhua (5pm-7pm)

So Yuling and I went to meet Ellin in school only to realise that all the teachers had gone home and the school will be closing in another 40 minutes time. T-T And and and, I done a good deed by bringing an ah-ma home because she was lost. :D

Anyway, in the end, Ellin and I ended up chatting in Mac, afterwhich Yuling came. It was so fun at Mac that 2 hours seems insufficent. ^^

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