Friday, May 16, 2008

I told Yuling to take this photo because the chair is very very nice!!
I PON 2 hour of lessons today!!
And I just found out from Yanji that my attendance was not marked!! OMG.
My mother will definately chided me for it when she realised that I got so many L (late) and AB (absent)

I told Yiwen that I will be transferring to TP in 2 months time because I'm moving to Tampines. T-T She dun believe me at first because it sounds so fake. BUT!! It's true!! :DD
During break, I asked my classmates to help me mark attendance for the 2 hour lesson because I was afraid Yiwen will be late for class and cant help me mark attendance (since the attendance list is beside the teacher).

And then I rush off to meet Yuling. WAHAHA. And then Yuling say I was being too high liao. Hello, I'm damn excited because this is my first time pon class lei. I was like "Later Yiwen called me because Teacher found out that I was missing and I have to rush down all the way from TP" SO FUN!!

But instead of TP, I went to Bugis with Yuling because she wanted to hand in her NAFA forms. And then we went to Bugis to shop shop. I brought a vest for only $10 and bag for $24. It's exactly the same as See Theng!! Gee, I'm starting to regret right now because white gets dirty VERY VERY easy, but it's so nice!!
The toilet at TP is superb nice!!

After that, we went to Tampines and I was rather sick at then already. TP is so nice!! The guys have such stylo hiar and the girls look so chio. Wahaha. Comparing with NP, *shake head*. And TP was having some fund raising acitivties that day so it's rather crowded. I wanted to play the CATCH GOLDFISH one!! :( And eat the fry ice-cream which Yuling ate.

At least I tried my hands on decorating my cupcakes! :D

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