Friday, May 30, 2008

(WHEEE. I.. touched Peter's cheek!!! V V V V smooth AHA! Sigh.. I want to touch his lips. :D)


Today I had 2 hours of break AGAIN. I was like -.- not again, early break!!! Then I decided to stay in class to complete my EECAD with my classmates, because they haven completed it. And and and it's due for submisison today!!!

So I was already about to complete it already but at last minute, my friend kinda screwed up things for me and then I had 89 vias suddenly! (We are susposed to have only 19 vias)

I do until 12pm and I really CMI already, I'm so so so hungry so I went to meet AiLin and her AT classmates. t-t That is susposed to be the course I should get in!!!

So I ate with them and then brought AiLin to my block because she is rather interested to see the difference between AT and AE people. Hahaha. :D

So during FAT, I kept doing my EECAD and didnt even listen to the teacher at all because I'm susposed to meet Ellin at 2 plus and and and I had to chiong my EECAD ASAP.

But well.. i didnt manage to do finish and my classmates had to help me. So in the end, my classmate help me clear the vias until there's only 24 vias while I was chatting with Ellin and Jermain. Hahaha. Then then then Yuling and PeiYu came.. YAY!!! BUTTT omg. Haha, and Jermain and I was laughing so hard over the photos we took years ago~~~ Sad we didnt took it this time round. Hahaha. :D

So I do until 4 plus then hurry go library to print the report writing out.

In the end realised that I dunno how to print and then my classmate went off first leaving me blur blur at the library printer there so I had no choice but to rush back to class to ask the guys to help me. HENG AH! We exchange conditions. I help Erik do his Maths Online quiz while he help me print. Phew, thanks god I studied A maths.

And then I quickly hand in the papers and then went to Jurong East to watch Narnia ^^ yay. With Ellin and Jermain. WAHAHA

Peter is stilllll soooo charming!!!!
And Edward (i tink that's his name) is v v v v v v v rather good looking right now. His eyes..
BUT BUT BUT, not as charming as Peter!!!
AWWWWW. PETER. *EYES turn into heart shape*

I waited for this movie for like 3 years already ok!! Remember I watched the first one with Ellin and See Theng on the 1st day of school 2006 when we are still Secondary 4. And I immediately fall in love withhhh PETER. :D

And and and the first movie is so much nicer than this movie. AHHH. Anyway, if there's a squenel to this movie, i wont watch anymore, because.. Peter will never be able to return to Narnia. :(
What's Narnia with Peter right!

Den den den there's this guy who was sitting behind us and laughing so crazy. And jermain and I was v v v v v curious to see who is laughing that funny, but we didnt find out anyway lah.

And and and after the show end! Guess what! I saw this guy from Fencing! Hahaha. Kinda of retarded lah us. We are like looking at each other and then I buai tahan, so

I asked "I saw you before right"
He: You are from NP right?
I: yup yup
He: Fencing?
I: YA!!!No wonder you look so familiar!

Now I'm wondering if he's the one who stayed back with Catherine, Me, Ai Lin and another guy on Thursday at Macdonald. I tink he is! But not sure eh. Must ask during fencing which will be back again the week after. YAYS!! :DDD

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