Thursday, May 22, 2008

OMG. I was so entertained by my dear ELTECH teacher today with her prouncations. It's rather bad for me to do so because mine wasnt any better. ^^ But it's really damn damn funny lah!!

EG1 (10am-12am)
And and and my class was being so scary today! It's like everyone was looking at me when I returned to class (I immediately chiong for the toilet when I entered class). And then the EG1 teacher keep picking on me (maybe he found out that I lied to him about the attendance thingy, or maybe I keep laughing because I was using MSN).

And and and, during break. Catherine was so sweet! She offered me FREE Ice jelly. WHEEEE. And and and, it's the first time I finished my lunch so fast, like 45 mins? Then I decided to eat my Ice Jelly slowly because I'm sooo not willing to go baack to class that fast.

ELTECH (2pm-3pm)
I hated it so much when i returned to class, especially when Yiwen had chosen to sit right in the very very front. But then, who ask me to be late! :(

Hahaha, and lesson was so boring until the cher say "...explor-mening..." when she auctally meant experimenting. i have such a hard laugh afer hearing that. To make things worst, my classmate beside me kept laughing too. And I cant control myself!

Practical (3pm-4pm)
And Practical was so fun today. It's such a big big leap from the previous experience! I think we did rather fast compared to the week before when we had so many mistakes. Hahaha. At least we didnt turn out last and we completed our work at 4pm. YAHOOOO.

After school (4:30pm-6pm)
Then after school, I was on my way to Jurong East when Ai Lin, my best friend from AT and Fencing sms me to meet her. I immediately agreed to meet her because the JE matter can wait! :D So so so I alighted at Clementi and rush for bus 52 and reached NP just in time to meet her. :)

And she brought me to Cateen 2 for dinner, and I relunctantly follow her because her friend told her that the cateen's seafood was nice. So yup, I decided to try~

And the food turns out EEEE, not that nice. ^^

The worst thing we've done is to complete who eat slower. And I won! WHEEEE. And and and we are planning to take up private jet test in Malaysia. Because Singapore Youth Flying Club is really hard to get in. It's like 300 people got into the course, but only 30 managed to graducate from it. OMG right.

Fencing was really fun today because:

-Ai Lin and I were talking about our crushs and etc!! And concidentally, we like someone because of dreams! I thought mine was very retarded but turns out hers was too! And I was like so damn high at that time I just keep laughing. And we are planning to have lunch tomorrow since Catherine cant make it!

-Well, the games was really fun. There's this game where I lost and was asked to do forfeit which is to spin round 10 times FAST. I spin and after 10 rounds, I just fell to the group. GEE, I really feel like lying there forever and ever because it's so comfortable.

- Supper at Mac was so fun. :D Totally love it. And and and I made a big fool out of myself! :D

I asked the counter for cur-li sauce when I auctally meant Cur-ry sauce. And he was rather confused by what I said, because he dunno if I meant Garlic or Curry.

And so I was mocked by Ai Lin, Catherine and the another 2 guys (and I dunno their name) who was sitting beside us. T-T They decided to call me Miss Cur-Li in the future. OHHHH NOOOO. Hahaha.

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