Monday, May 12, 2008

Had IS in the morning which is rather fun!

And I found out one of my classmate, I forget what's her name, is going for ice skating on Friday too!!! WHEEEEE. We known each other though the Sports tingy on the 2nd day of our school, and then somemore we are IS classmate! Wahaha! We didnt have much interaction, but when we had, we talk a lot!! Hahah!

Then I went off to meet Yuling asap for ice skating!! OKAY. THIS IS BAD. 3 more weeks and it's common test!! BUTTTT, I still went for ice skating!! :)

So we went to eat Mac, which I cant finish my drumsticks. T-T I wanna eat it!! It's so nice!! And then we went to ice skating

I was very excited at the whole idea of ice skating. ^^ And I fell down rather a lot of times!! And I even land once on my BUTT HEAVILY. I bet there's blue black at my butt right now!! :( Other than that, all my falling is standard one. As in fall down and then knee on floor, and hands in front, trying to stop my kness from moving towards. LOL.

But at 5, we had to go because I had Spanish lesson. :) I was susposed to met up with Catherine but in the end we didnt meet up. :(

Spanish is damn fun today!! I met Cheryl, who dont sound like she live in Singapore for 10 years because she had this strong Australian accent. And she was in the national team for dunno what what sport. :D DAMN PRO la. And she's in Fencing too! Cux I remember her very clearly last Tursday!! And then the teacher kept catching us talking. -.- hehehe ^^

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