Monday, May 19, 2008


Was planning to spend my whole day at home BUT at 3 plus Yuling ask me to meet her and Catherine

So I agreed.
And and and.
I saw my cute junior, Chua Han Bin. :D

I was wondering who was calling me at JP and I turned my head to find a little girl. Was like "LOL. Who sia." And then shift my attention to the person beside her and HAH. CHUA HAN BIN.

So so so. I met Yuling and Catherine and I just keep laughing over SOMETHING (and it's susposed to be a secret okay!). Fun sia okay. LOL. Then suddenly Catherine told us she ant to change her image! HAHAHA. Surprised us okay! And then we headed off to Bugis because we all like high le. In the train, we all are like discussing what hairstyle suit Catherine, what this what that. What type of clothes she suit.. blah blah blah

And it's damn fun. I saw this vest at Bugis which I really like and was trying to get Catherine to get it!! But she didnt and now the vest + top get me hook like nobody bussiness. -.-"

Then then then we went to the 2nd floor and Catherine got the fake wig!! OMG. damn cute lah. I've tried it and OMG. i want perm too!!

And then I have to rush home because it's already 8pm. Crap. Hahaha. So fun lah, I dun feel like going home AT ALL.

And I was so high ALL THE NIGHT using MSN, thanks to my classmate Douglas, Yuling and Catherine. And the emails sent to me by MEL. Okay, I'm too high, so I laugh practially at everything. OMG. today's damn damn great. WHEEE.

And and and I'm susposed to go swimming with Yuling tmr!! YAY. This is so ramdom. We just decided on last minute! I love Yuling!!! Hahahah. YAY. It's been ages since I went swimming at JE!!

So right now! I have to finish all my online assignment and it's like 3am right now. Hahaha. CRAP! :D

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