Wednesday, May 21, 2008

WOKE up at 7am.
First emotion felt: SIANX and MOODY.

So I was like damn damn sianx for the wole day. :(
Mrs XXX (dunno what's her name) released us 1 hour earlier for break and Yiwen and I decided to stay back in class to do our EG1. T-T
And then at about 11:40, she completed her EG1 while I was still struggling (not exactly).
Anyway, luckily when I was about to finish my work, Wenzhong, Yihui and Mingfeng (I tink that's his name!) came in class and WAHAHA. I asked them to help me look after my bag, which I'm very very lazy to pack it because it's so!! argh.

Den I immediately chiong to find Shi Yun, who I'm soooo grateful to because her lesson ended early and she could have gone home, but she decided to dine with me. YAY. damn happy!!
As usual, I ate slow and laugh really a lot, hence was really late. Met with Yiwen before going up to class. :( I was acutally planning to stay a bit longer to chat with Shiyun! :( But then not good if Yiwen and I are so late.

So so so we went for the EECAD. I felt so bad today! As in.. I dunno? But but but, my classmates really did make me laugh with their reactions and conversations.

Talking about EECAD, I had so many errors, and the teacher decided to give up on me. CRAP. Hahaha.

Den den after that, I went to meet Catherine at Jurong East, it was so much of a concidence. I was on Bus 52 (getting to Jurong East) and then Catherine called! HAHA. She was at JE too. So we went to talk at LJS. Damn shocked. i just said out all my troubles and etc (auctally it's no big deal, but well, today I'm in bad mood.. so I cant tink of everything in a postive way).

HAHA! Den we went home. LJS's Cajun Chicken is damn shiok! :DD

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