Saturday, May 24, 2008

Haha. Went to Bugis with Shi Yun because we intended to STUDY really really hard for our Common Test. I even brought along my ELTECH, EECAD, ENGMAC textbooks and folders. And and and my baobei laptop. ^^

But but but before studying, we went to toast box and ate
-Laksa (damn shiok)
-Chocolate Toast
-Milo Toast
-Barley Water

And that spend me up to about $10. -.- EXPensive right!!!

Then we head off to Library and we saw cute displays. So we took some photos over at there~~

Then then then at the library 5th floor, we found a very very cosy place just beside the windows but was chased away because we are not susposed to study there. In the end we went to the B1 and was about to start revising but didnt do so because we end up taking dumb photos. HAHA.

Den den den we decided to go Bugis and shop! CRAP. And I spent $14 on the vest which I auctally had decided not to get it AT ALL when I went to bugis with Yuling and Catherine.

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