Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Today's damn tired and FUN!

First, I was LATE for SCHOOL by HALF AN HOUR for the first time.
WAHAHA. Damn happy because the teacher didnt mark me LATE!

Went to break with Catherine and Yiwen.
WAHAHA. I ate so fast today okay.
The laksa at Cateen 3 was pathenic little! :D

Oh ya oh ya! MATHS EG1 damn stress!
I didnt do one homework and I have to do MOL too.
BUT luckily! After school Wen Yu styed back and aaccompany me!
If not I swear I will be BORED to DEATH and I will be dead because I dunno how to do few questions!

Then i met up with Catherine for FENCING.
FUN is one thing, TIRING is another!!
We did like 2 1.5 hours of WARM UP.
WARM UP = Running, Squatting, Aerobies, on and on the list go.
The seniors are damn NICE lah. WAHAHA. And they thought I'm very sporty because of my uneven skin tone. HAHA. One even thought I went for wind-surfing.
WOW. Wind-surfing, HOW COOL!!

After Fencing, I can feel my legs giving way when walking up/down the stairs! It hurt so much I groan everytime I walk the stairs. WAHA. Same as Catherine! There's this girl who's worst. WAHAHA! She had basketball tomorrow! Pity her HAH! :p

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