Tuesday, May 20, 2008

OMG!! Today is so so so fun. ^^

Morning received Yuling's sms that she cant go swimming.
And then my heart immediately sank.
But but but, we decided on going back to FSS!!
Yay yay. Hahaha. :D
Because of the EG1 logarithms, totally forget how to do! :(

And today's E learning, so I cant copy from my classmates.
Yup yup, I miss them a lot.
I miss my classmates really really a lot.

Susposed to meet Yuling at 11, but but but, in the end we drag until 2pm. And reached school at about 3pm. Noodles stall already closed le lo. T-T WAHH. So so so, we went to find Mrs Yip and I even use her computer to do the EG1. Hahaha! I was so scared because it's already 4pm and the EG1 is going to shut down at 5pm!!

And then and then Mrs Yip dunno how to do the question and guess what! She copied my classmate Eric (or Erik? Whatever!) by using the back method. LOL. She's our Maths HOD and she is auctally using back methods!! LOL.

Back method = See the answer first, and then see how to get the answer by anyhow trying.

And then at 5pm, we have to leave because I have fencing after that. Fencing was rather boring today. Honestly. T-T.

But but but. After fencing, we went to Mac and eat. And I have to complete my FAT e learning (and I thought I completed it already!)

So the seniors tried their best to help me, and as seen in my MSN personal msg - Thank you seniors for helping me secure 23/100 for my FAT.

There's this senior who was from ECE too but he wasnt from AE, so he wouldnt understand about FAT module. But I didnt told him so AT ALL PURPOSELY! (wahaha!!) And then the other senior told me that if I dunno how to do a question, just choose C always. (And I really did so)

LOL. But they went off first and Catherine stayed with me in Mac. Damn sad, cux I completed it at about 11 plus and the last bus 185 left and so I took the last bus 99 home. DAMN LATE!!

And the mini chatting session with Catherine at the bus stop was damn fun.. because I keep talking about.. WHEEEEEEE.. and then I get very very high. HAHAHA.

GOOD, in the end, I slept at about 3 plus. ZZZ.

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