Saturday, May 03, 2008

^^ Today I went to Wall's factory for the Ice-cream sales. Hehehe. Brought about $56 like that. BUT.. Sarah Rocky Chocolate is out of stock. WAH. super sad.

Cux that ice cream is etached in my heart. @@.
The ice cream is already very omgomgomg *drools*,
and plus the chocolate chips which is smashed.. wa piang. *dehydrated*
(k. lame. -___-)

At least I brought 2 cartons of Chocolates Waffles. Super happy. *clap hand*
And I brought 1 carton of Brownie Grand Mini Cup. First time trying, so I''m not very sure how it taste like.
Then I brought the stick ice-cream. Not really what I like. But brought it for my sister, who is off to Lala band (or baba land?)

So I spend $56 at there and got 2 free cones and a tube of ice-cream which I tink my daddy will have to EAT it. (I'm sure I wont touch it)

*Burps* Chocolate waffles damn tasty. :D

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