Thursday, May 08, 2008

Heng ah!

Luckily I wasnt late today.
After I got 2 L at a go yesterday. :P

Haha, today's damn cute day.
Especailly during break time.

Cux Yuling is coming to NP again today! Hahaha
And then we are having EMGMAC, which means Phyics lah.
So the teacher told us that we have to hand in some of the homework which we are susposed to do last week (obviously I didnt do)
And she say must hand in else she will give us 0 for the assignment
So I had to do all the questions by 45 mins, because I told Yuling to come at 1245.
So by 1245, Yuling reached and called me and I just "cried"

"Yuling.. sobsob, how.
I haven do finish. How?
I die liao lah. How?
I want to return to Sec school. How?
Like that hor Mrs Yip say must finish then can go home I also dun care one. How?
I dont know how to do the homework lah. How?
Sobsobsob. WAHHHH.
Wait a few more minutes for me ok.
I go copy from my friend."

Worst, I spoke so loudly, the teacher must have heard me.
And then at the same time, Yi Wen completed her work, so I just took hers and copy.
And while copying, I was boasting to Yuling via phone (AND I WAS TALKING SUPER LOUD) about how fast I can copy.
Then after I copy my homework, I just ran in and place the papers at the wrong table. -.-
And then my classmates shouted: "NOT THERE LAH, IS HERE" (pointing to OHP)

During Practical, my group, consisting of Victor, Douglas and me.
We were last to finish our work.
And then I didnt know Victor's name was Victor because I never get to talk to him.
BUT WELL, I should FOREVER remember his NAME!! :D
And then after school, I walked with them, and know few of my classmates' names
(I only know some of their names EVEN TILL NOW).

After that, I was waiting for Catherine outside Library.
I called her, smsed her, log on to MSN but I just cant find a way to contact her!!
So i spend about 15 minutes outside the library just waiting for her!!
And then hengfully, Satish appear.
So i got him to accompany me into the library and hope to chance upon her.
But I didnt saw her. ><
Anyway, I saw Catherine after we just came out of the library. =.=
Turns out that she have make up lesson and she didnt tell me beforehand.

Fencing was super shiok today! WHEEE.
I made a lot of new galfriends~
WAHAHAHA. But I cant remember their names well auctally. :(
Heh heh.
And it wasnt that tiring as compared to Tuesday's one. :D

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