Tuesday, June 10, 2008

And so I have been staying at home this 2 days relaxing and recuperating. As you know, I study soooo hard until ah, nt enough sleep lei. (HEHE)

And I' feeling kinda boring (maybe?) so I decided to blog! Who says staying at home WILL be boring? :D (k lah, kinda boring)

Time Table for Monday

1pm- Wake up and bath
2pm- makan, shun bian watch Right Frenqunecy II
2.30pm - Play Laptop (I forget what I was doing. HAHA)
7pm- EAT
11pm- Watching LOST V + using computer
12am- On phone with Tiffany until 4am. LOL.
4am- SLEEP
6am- Wake up, switch on AIRCON (mum turn it off at 5am)

LOL. and and and Tiffany is the 12th person (I tink?) to know about himmmmm. HAHAHA. And we reach a conclusion- Ellin's mouth v v v v big. And the similarities aka taste of Libra's gal.. LASTLY, Danson SUPER SHUAI AH.


2pm- wake up, bath
2:30pm- Makan + Wach Family (AW. DANSON *hearts)
6:30pm- On phone with PeiYu
7pm- Managed to persuade her to put down the phone (I'm v v v v busy at MSN that time lei)
9pm- OFF laptop, keep eating because I was so boreddddd
10pm- Watch TV
11pm- Here I'M blogging!

I so love talking to PeiYu because she's like a... talking machine? (Had such a hard time to persuade her to put down the phone ^^) kkkk, PeiYu, I know u are reading. (Serve you right for the below conversation-

PeiYu:AIYO, I love to talk on phone with you becuse your words are sooooo funny.
Me: Oh,you mean I'm a joker lah.
(Please, I' not a joker can. HEHEHE. I'M NOT!!!!! AHHHH.)

YAY. TMR going swimming. I hop DAYIMA wun come!!!! ^^ And I'm going to take a lot a lot of sexy post! HAAAHAHAHA.
ps: If Dayima comes, I promised Tiffany I will go her house and cry fr 5 hours straight.

And Friday's approaching! PC FAIR PC FAIR!!! YAY YAY. :D So excited! somemore it's with Lee Woon and Shi Yun lei!!! YAY!!! WAN SHUI!
ps: Shiyun! It's IXUS 80IS not DXUS 80 -.- (look at what you wrote in your blog)

And there's Fencing on Thrsday! YAY!!!! I wanna dine at Mac with my fecing friends until v vv v v v late beause there's no school on Friday!

And Monday is approaching.. 90% of the tourists who is touring Orchard with me knows about HIM. HAHA. Advanced tourists man!

List of Tourists:-
-Pui Ying
- See Theng

Unpaid Tourists:-

kkkkkk. I tink I must be too high right now. Sianx ah.

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